RADIOACTIVE fish discovered near Fukushima renews concerns over plans to dump nuclear wastewater into the ocean

Japanese plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) studied a black rockfish in May andĀ found thatĀ it contained levels of radioactive cesiumĀ that were 180 times over Japan’s regulatory limit. The radioactive fish was caught near drainage outlets at the TEPCO plant, where three nuclear reactors melted down amidst a tsunami in March 2011. Rainwater from areas near the reactors flows into the area where the fish was … Continue reading RADIOACTIVE fish discovered near Fukushima renews concerns over plans to dump nuclear wastewater into the ocean

TEPCO says new leak has spilt 20,000 litres of radioactive coolant at the stricken Fukushima Nuclear Plant: It is now almost 7 years since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared everything is “under control,”

Friday, 17 January 2020 Radiation-contaminated debris and soil are stockpiled for disposal near the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s embattled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. (Photo: Christopher Furlong / Getty Images) Tokyo Electric Power Company says coolant has seeped out from an underground frozen soil wall built around its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The frozen soil wall came into operation four years ago. It was … Continue reading TEPCO says new leak has spilt 20,000 litres of radioactive coolant at the stricken Fukushima Nuclear Plant: It is now almost 7 years since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared everything is “under control,”

Japan: Radioactive Fukushima Water Release

By Strange Sounds – Nov 22, 2019 Japan doesnā€™t want to share information about the release of Fukushima radioactive water in the Pacific Ocean. And neighboring countries start to get really angry. The Fukushima disaster is taking a new dimension, as Japan continues to hide important information about itsĀ plan of releasing radioactive water in the Pacific OceanĀ to neighboring countries. The head of South Koreaā€™s nuclear … Continue reading Japan: Radioactive Fukushima Water Release

Eight years on water woes threaten Fukushima cleanup with fish found around the waters of Hawaii and Alaska contaminated with cesium 134 the radioactive finger-print of Fukushima

Friday, 8 March 2019 The silence surrounding the Fukushima disaster recently has been deafening, it is one year in fact since any reliable information has been released from Tokyo Electric Power Co, the owners of the stricken plant. Last year, Tokyo Electric Power Co said a system meant to purify contaminated water had failed to remove dangerous radioactive contaminants. A report from Reuters today, claims … Continue reading Eight years on water woes threaten Fukushima cleanup with fish found around the waters of Hawaii and Alaska contaminated with cesium 134 the radioactive finger-print of Fukushima

Powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes in Ring of Fire

A HUGE 6.8 magnitude earthquake has struck Bolivia in the Ring of Fire. It occurred near Tarija in the south of the country at a depth of 344 miles.The USGS estimates there is a 34% chance of damage and fatalities. Its website states: ā€œOverall, the population in this region resides in structures that are resistant to earthquake shaking, though vulnerable structures exist. ā€œThe predominant vulnerable … Continue reading Powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes in Ring of Fire

5.7 magnitude earthquake strikes N. California ā€“ USGS

A magnitude 5.7 earthquake in the Pacific Ocean has hit Petrolia in California’s Humboldt County, according to the the US Geological Survey. Following initial reports of two earthquakes, the USGS is now reporting just one occurred on Friday afternoon, a magnitude 5.7. Previously it was reported that the firstĀ quake was quickly followed by a second one coming in at a magnitude of 5.6, closer to … Continue reading 5.7 magnitude earthquake strikes N. California ā€“ USGS

1,800 tons of radioactive waste has an ocean view and nowhere to go

The massive, 150-ton turbines have stopped spinning. The mile-long cooling pipes that extend into the Pacific will likely become undersea relics. High voltage that once energized the homes of more than a million Californians is down to zero. But the San Onofre nuclear power plant will loom for a long time as a landmark, its 1,800 tons of lethal radioactive waste stored on the edge … Continue reading 1,800 tons of radioactive waste has an ocean view and nowhere to go

Fukushima Apocalypse: Hereā€™s How You Are Being Poisoned The Radiation And Subsequent problems Are Not Just in Japan But Now Also America.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011, resulted in massive radioactive contamination of the Japanese mainland, as well as brought to the forefront the dangers of worldwide nuclear radiation. Five years later, after-effects of the catastrophic event continue to plague the world, making it the greatest environmental disaster of all time. Fukushima nuclear plant has been pouring 300 tones of radioactive water every day, … Continue reading Fukushima Apocalypse: Hereā€™s How You Are Being Poisoned The Radiation And Subsequent problems Are Not Just in Japan But Now Also America.

152 ‘Mass Death Events’ In First 108 Days Of 2017 – Does ‘Deagel Intentional Population Destruction’ Map Show The Results Of Fukushima Radiation Decimating The Northern Hemisphere?

In this April 3rd story by Amy Goodrich over at Natural News she reported that there is a massive, ongoing academic cover-up concealing the near-total collapse of our ocean food chains, specifically in the Pacific Ocean, and mass deaths to humans will surely follow. Warning within her story that “each day more signs are emerging that our ocean and world is slowly dying” and “weā€™re … Continue reading 152 ‘Mass Death Events’ In First 108 Days Of 2017 – Does ‘Deagel Intentional Population Destruction’ Map Show The Results Of Fukushima Radiation Decimating The Northern Hemisphere?

Fukushima ā€“ The Untouchable Eco-Apocalypse No One Is Talking About

The most important ecological crisis of the world has ever seen has been underway since March 11th, 2011, yet there is nary a mention of it in the corporate media, and no political body in the world is championing its resolution. Widespread Denial and Willful Ignorance The media, politicians and the world at large seem to be engaging in extreme denial regarding Fukushima. A survey … Continue reading Fukushima ā€“ The Untouchable Eco-Apocalypse No One Is Talking About

Radiation contaminated more than 20,000 square miles and 43 million people in Japan: EU report

(NaturalNews) In the three months following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, which occurred back in March 2011, a land area larger than 20,000 square miles (mi2) became contaminated with high levels of radionuclides of both cesium and iodine, says a new European Commission report. Using the most realistic estimates in a mathematical model, scientists determined that as many as 43 million Japanese people, and perhaps … Continue reading Radiation contaminated more than 20,000 square miles and 43 million people in Japan: EU report

Radioactive fish continue to be caught near Fukushima

(NaturalNews) Japan used to account for 15 percent of global fish catches, but now, nearly three years after the earthquake and subsequent tsunami which struck Fukushima’s Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011, sales are plummeting in Fukushima and the surrounding prefectures, as the world focuses intently on radiation levels mounting in the Pacific Ocean’s sea life. The Japanese government-affiliated Fisheries Research Agency just announced … Continue reading Radioactive fish continue to be caught near Fukushima

As Fukushima radiation makes landfall on California beaches, Natural News announces lab to test foods for radioactive cesium-137

(NaturalNews) Radiation from Fukushima has reached the shores of California. This has beenconfirmed by county officialsĀ in Half Moon Bay, California, who conducted radiation tests and found aĀ 500% increase in radiationĀ on the beaches there. Alarm has been raised over the past few days thanks to amateur videos likeĀ this one showing alarmingly high Geiger counter readingsĀ on the beaches. “The videos follow other alarming news last month that … Continue reading As Fukushima radiation makes landfall on California beaches, Natural News announces lab to test foods for radioactive cesium-137