Chemtrails Are Part of the Depopulation Agenda

What are they spraying into the sky? Whoā€™s doing it? Why are they doing it, what are their motives?  And what can we do to put an end to this? These are questions Richard Vobes put to two pilots last week who have been conducting in-depth research into chemtrails.  To protect their anonymity, the two pilots were named Eves and Russ for the interview. Eves, … Continue reading Chemtrails Are Part of the Depopulation Agenda

Climate Change Is A Cover For Geo-Engineering. They Are Spraying Our Skies With Chemical Aerosols

Climate change is a cover for geo-engineering. They are spraying our skies with chemical aerosols. Our skies are being heavily polluted with aluminum, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, silver, nano particles, graphene and more. Continue reading Climate Change Is A Cover For Geo-Engineering. They Are Spraying Our Skies With Chemical Aerosols

Western U.S. Is Facing the Worst Megadrought in Over 1,200 Years

By Strange SoundsĀ – Apr 18, 2020 A historic megadrought is parching the American West. And with global temperatures only set to rise further, the emerging crisis is now thought to be on the ā€œsame trajectory as the worst prehistoric droughts.ā€ In the 1930s, the United States was suffering from the most severe drought in its history, the ā€œDust Bowl.ā€ And be prepared to bite the … Continue reading Western U.S. Is Facing the Worst Megadrought in Over 1,200 Years

Last Day Signs Keep Piling Up

Continue reading Last Day Signs Keep Piling Up

CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES: Geoengineered Firestorms Terrorize to Advance the Agenda(s)

UNĀ Agenda 21Ā &Ā 2030 Agenda for Sustainable DevelopmentĀ Will Not Be Thwarted by President Trump Even if California Must Be Destroyed There is nothing more sacred to theĀ New World OrderĀ agenda than the covert plan to establish aĀ One World Government.Ā  The ultimate goal of that misguided agenda is to completely own and manage all natural resources on planet Earth, as well to control the weather around the globeā€”24/7.Ā  This … Continue reading CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES: Geoengineered Firestorms Terrorize to Advance the Agenda(s)


The synthetic agenda is the overarching agenda of the New World Order worldwide conspiracy.Ā Think about it ā€“ so manyĀ aspects of the conspiracy are about supplanting the real with the fake, the organic with the inorganic, the carbon with the silicon and the biological with the artificial. In theĀ synthetic agenda, everything in our world isĀ being threatened with replacement by an inferior version or fake replica of … Continue reading TRANSHUMANISM: THE ULTIMATE AIM OF THE SYNTHETIC AGENDA AND THE DISTORTED HEART OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER

Canadian Government Confirms Chemtrails ā€“ Geoengineering

Bill Vander Zalm,Ā former Canadian Premier for British Columbia received a 40 page report from Ottowa that confirms a covert Chemtrails ā€“ Geoengineering operation is in progress. Under an FOIA request, Vander Zalm asked his government ,ā€œWhat do you know about chemtrailsā€?Ā Ā  In two months he received a report that revealed the Canadian government is fully aware that aircraft are spraying chemicals into the atmosphere. (Click … Continue reading Canadian Government Confirms Chemtrails ā€“ Geoengineering

The Geoengineering Escalation Of 2016: Accounts Of ā€œChemtrail Fluā€ Rise

ByĀ Cassius Kamarampi Have you been feeling ill lately? Perhaps you feel mentally foggy, feverish, congested, or weak in the heart? Are you experiencing itchy skin? If so, you might want to carefully monitor your onset of symptoms, and see if they immediately follow aerosol spraying in the sky. Itā€™s hard to believe, but this is happening:Ā peopleĀ all over the United StatesĀ have been reportingĀ a blatant, easily observable … Continue reading The Geoengineering Escalation Of 2016: Accounts Of ā€œChemtrail Fluā€ Rise

After denying the existence of GEOENGINEERING, the scientific status quo now claims it can save the world

(Natural News) Anyone who speaks out about chem-trails is immediately dismissed as a paranoid conspiracy theorist. No one is allowed to question what they see in the sky, even when multiple white gridlines are expanding and falling. Why would the government spray chemicals across the sky and poison the people in the process? Even ifĀ some organization was spraying us withĀ aluminum nanoparticles, are we supposed to … Continue reading After denying the existence of GEOENGINEERING, the scientific status quo now claims it can save the world

Geoengineering Watch Agrees Geoengineering is Warming the Climate

6/10/2017 Geoengineering Watch Dane Wigington reports Climate Engineering is responsible for global warming. For years, Wigington has adopted a confusing narrative that claimed geoengineering was an attempt to mitigate global warming while the military was using it as a weapon to alter the climate. This may the first broadcast where Dane appears to drop the warmist, CO2 theory to agree with a majority of geoengineering … Continue reading Geoengineering Watch Agrees Geoengineering is Warming the Climate

Skies to be Openly Sprayed With Toxic Metals this Weekend, Blocking the Sunlight

by Cassius Methyl; The Mind Unleashed The skies in Maryland will be openly sprayed with toxic metals by NASA today, Saturday June 3rd. Barium, strontium, and cupric-oxide are being sprayed off the coast of Maryland out of a sounding rocket being launched from Virginia. NASA claims they are doing tests with the ionosphere, disregarding the concepts of ionospheric heating or geoengineering, as if we donā€™t … Continue reading Skies to be Openly Sprayed With Toxic Metals this Weekend, Blocking the Sunlight

The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails: 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned

By now everyone has witnessed streaks of white trailing across the sky, stretching from horizon to horizon, ultimately turning the skies into a murky haze. We can no longer ignore the fact that our skies are being heavily polluted with aluminium, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver. All of which attribute to a host of health problems including: neurological effects, heart damage, eyesight … Continue reading The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails: 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned

Trump presidency ‘opens door’ to planet-hacking geoengineer experiments

As geoengineer advocates enter Trump administration, plans advance to spray sun-reflecting chemicals into atmosphere Harvard engineers who launched the worldā€™s biggest solar geoengineering research program may get a dangerous boost from Donald Trump, environmental organizations are warning. Under the Trump administration, enthusiasm appears to be growing for the controversial technology of solar geo-engineering, which aims to spray sulphate particles into the atmosphere to reflect the … Continue reading Trump presidency ‘opens door’ to planet-hacking geoengineer experiments

Aluminium DOES cause Alzheimer’s: Expert says new findings confirm the metal plays a role in the devastating brain disease

Chris Exley is a professor in bioinorganic chemistry based at Keele University A link between between aluminium and Alzheimerā€™s has existed for many years But a lack of evidence has caused the scientific community to remain unsure However, his new research confirms the metal plays a role in cognitive declineĀ  A link between aluminium and Alzheimer’s disease has long existed. But many scientists says there … Continue reading Aluminium DOES cause Alzheimer’s: Expert says new findings confirm the metal plays a role in the devastating brain disease

Hidden In Plain Sight: Bombshell New Evidence Emerges They’re Killing Us With Chemtrails As Death Rains Down From Above

The new story over at the Daily Mail that Steve Quayle linked to on his website this morning shares with us alarming news for those paying attention to real news and real world events. Confirming for us that aluminum does cause Alzheimer’s disease, playing a major role in the devastating brain disease, their story in so doing gives us more evidence that criminal elements within … Continue reading Hidden In Plain Sight: Bombshell New Evidence Emerges They’re Killing Us With Chemtrails As Death Rains Down From Above

CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, 911, And The Governmentā€™s Persecution Of Truth-Tellers

Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At aĀ recent critical public awareness eventĀ in Northern California organized by, Mr. Shipp gave an extremely informative and compelling presentation on numerous horrific ongoing government crimes. The subjects Kevin Shipp addressed included climate engineering, the 911 false flag inside job, vaccination dangers/cover-up, and the … Continue reading CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, 911, And The Governmentā€™s Persecution Of Truth-Tellers

Chem-Bombs Dominate Chemtrails in Covert Climate Engineering

Climate and Hurricane Engineering with Covert Deployment of Large Volume Aerosol Plumes (LVAP) Aerosols intended for covert climate and hurricane engineering are deployed with nozzles and have nothing to do with fuel additives, contrails or engine emissions. Bruce Douglas was an organizer for the Chemtrail/Geoengineering Symposium in April 27, 2012 held in Maui, Hawaii. Douglas is also the originator of the Maui Clean Sky Ordinance … Continue reading Chem-Bombs Dominate Chemtrails in Covert Climate Engineering

Experts come forward to answer questions about the dark reality of chemtrails

(NaturalNews) Whenever most people hear theterms “chemtrails” and “weather modification”they tend to roll their eyes and classify the person talking about those subjects as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nut. Fewer people recognize the term “geo-engineering,” but all three of these refer to the same thing: cloud-seeding to create weather patterns in order to effect a certain climate outcome for a region. As noted earlier … Continue reading Experts come forward to answer questions about the dark reality of chemtrails

Chemtrail Blanketing To Be Used As Zika Warfare Is Known To Cause Autism

Floridaā€™s Zika scare has reached new heights, literally. Florida now intends to fight Zika in the air by mass spraying communities in and around the Miami area. This means if you live near Miami, the buzzing you hear from above you is likely the presence of falling insecticides. According toReuters, the chemtrail zone is a 10-mile area. Officials have warned pregnant women to stay away … Continue reading Chemtrail Blanketing To Be Used As Zika Warfare Is Known To Cause Autism