Thousands Of Tons Of Radioactive Fukushima Water To Be Dumped In Pacific As Independent Testing Banned

JANUARY 2, 2020Ā  – ByĀ Phillip Schneider The Japanese government is refusing to allow independent testing of contaminated water found in the nuclear power plant atĀ Fukushima, which has been leaking ever since a tsunami and earthquake devastatingly hit the facility in March 2011. The decision not to allow independent testing was allegedly arrived to over ā€œsafety concernsā€ in relation to the storing and transportation of the … Continue reading Thousands Of Tons Of Radioactive Fukushima Water To Be Dumped In Pacific As Independent Testing Banned

Rain Tests Again Confirm 4 Geoengineering Related Metals: Skies Are Being Sprayed

ByĀ Markab Algedi,Ā Natural Blaze MARCH 30, 2018 From my personal observation, the spraying in Northern California has significantly decreased in general since the escalation I witnessed in 2016 and to a lesser extent the first half of 2017: the skies being sprayed with geoengineering materials. This article will make the case that rain tests performed in Northern California are solid evidence that the sky is being … Continue reading Rain Tests Again Confirm 4 Geoengineering Related Metals: Skies Are Being Sprayed

Pharma Co Has License Suspended As Vaccine Blamed For Sterilization Of 500,000 Women And Children

ByĀ Matt Agorist A state-sponsored forced sterilization on a massive scale has allegedly taken place in Africa according to opposition leaders and the public who are railing against the government. An industrial pharmaceutical laboratory has since had its license suspended by theĀ Kenya Accreditation Service as a result of the controversy. Kenyaā€™s opposition leader Raila Odingaā€”whoĀ swore himselfĀ in as president on Tuesdayā€”claimed that at least 500,000 young girls … Continue reading Pharma Co Has License Suspended As Vaccine Blamed For Sterilization Of 500,000 Women And Children

The Dangerous Expansion Of Adult Vaccinations

The primary focus for disease prevention for adults, in this country, continues to be vaccinations and the development of new ones. However, vaccinations fail to prevent their targeted diseases and can cause other health problems, including death. [1] Americans are currently facing a health epidemic with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and autoimmune disorder rates at an all-time high. Many of these diseases have actually … Continue reading The Dangerous Expansion Of Adult Vaccinations