WEF Declares Pedophilia ā€˜Sexual Orientationā€™ Must Be Added To LGBTQ+

The LGBTQ+ rainbow community must add a P according to the World Economic Forum in Davos which has declared that pedophilia is an acceptable sexual orientation that deserves respect. According to Klaus Schwab and his globalist cronies, pedophiles must be added to the protected class of citizens in Western countries who identify as LGBTQ and enjoy the benefits of hate crime protection. Under Schwabā€™s directive … Continue reading WEF Declares Pedophilia ā€˜Sexual Orientationā€™ Must Be Added To LGBTQ+

Child Sex Workers ā€˜Fully Bookedā€™ at Davos, WEF Insider Says

Thousands of children have been flown into the World Economic Forum under cover of darkness for the global eliteā€™s annual summit in the Swiss alpine report of Davos, according to World Economic Forum insiders who reveal the horrific scale of the eliteā€™s chosen vice. Dozens of private jets have been turned into child escort carriers to traffic the children across borders and into the vipersā€™ … Continue reading Child Sex Workers ā€˜Fully Bookedā€™ at Davos, WEF Insider Says

Olena Zelenskaā€™s Organization Accused of Child Trafficking Scandal, Insider Confesses

Under the Cloak of Aid: Disturbing Allegations of Child Trafficking Linked to First Lady of Ukraine’s Charity In a series of harrowing allegations that could send shockwaves through international diplomatic and charitable circles, the foundation led by Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, is now facing severe scrutiny. Accusations have emerged that the organization, under the guise of rescuing war-impacted children, has been covertly … Continue reading Olena Zelenskaā€™s Organization Accused of Child Trafficking Scandal, Insider Confesses

WHO and UN are Sexualising Little Children Worldwide to Normalise Pedophilia

And whoever receives one such child in My name, receives Me;  but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to [c]sin, it is better for him that a [d]heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea. (Mattheew 18:5-6 New American Standard Bible) ā€œSchools must equip children to have sexual partnersā€ ā€“ say the UN and WHOā€ … Continue reading WHO and UN are Sexualising Little Children Worldwide to Normalise Pedophilia

World Economic Forum says the only way to ā€œsave humanityā€ is to unleash the pedophiles

In order to make the world a better place, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants the nations of the world to legalize or at least decriminalize pedophilia, which the globalists are now referring to as ā€œage gap love.ā€ To criminalize the sexual molestation of children is to ā€œviolate human rights,ā€ according to WEF head Klaus Schwab and his partner in crime Yuval Noah Harari, who says … Continue reading World Economic Forum says the only way to ā€œsave humanityā€ is to unleash the pedophiles

Documentary Links Queen Elizabeth and Royal Family to Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse

With the funeral of Queen Elizabeth getting headline news coverage around the world right now, many videos are popping up in the Alternative Media showing the dark side of the Royal Family that one is not going to read or hear about in the corporate media. Many of these videos are very long to watch, and it is hard to distinguish the credible evidence from … Continue reading Documentary Links Queen Elizabeth and Royal Family to Pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse

Child-grooming DISNEY linked to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s PEDO islandā€¦ #BoycottDisney

(Natural News) In todayā€™s sickening news, Substackā€™s Emerald Robinson asks the question, ā€œWhy Was Ghislaine Maxwell Doing Fundraisers For Disney in 1985?ā€ From the story: Photos of convicted pedophile Ghislaine Maxwell hosting an event called ā€œHappy Family Disney Dayā€ in 1985 have surfaced on the Internet today. Itā€™s the ultimate PR nightmare. Itā€™s going to be very hard for Disney to claim that itā€™s not … Continue reading Child-grooming DISNEY linked to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s PEDO islandā€¦ #BoycottDisney

Trump takes action against child trafficking foster care system, dealing huge blow to left-wing deep state pedophilia

Sunday, July 21, 2019 by:Ā Ethan Huff (Natural News) Back in February, President TrumpĀ quietly signed into lawĀ the ā€œFamily First Prevention Services Actā€ which, when it finally comes into effect on October 1, will greatly curtail abuses within the foster care system that facilitate the child sex trafficking and pedophilia rings operated undercover by the evil, left-wing deep state. Family First will basically prioritize federal funding for … Continue reading Trump takes action against child trafficking foster care system, dealing huge blow to left-wing deep state pedophilia

Whole Foods sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour to indoctrinate children with perversion, pedophilia and transgenderism

Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, passing judgment; for when you judge someone else, you are passing judgment against yourself; since you who are judging do the same things he does.Ā 2Ā We know that Godā€™s judgment lands impartially on those who do such things;Ā 3Ā do you think that you, a mere man passing judgment on others who do such things, yet doing them yourself, will … Continue reading Whole Foods sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour to indoctrinate children with perversion, pedophilia and transgenderism

Catholic Church: Raping Children is ‘Religious Freedom’ for Pedophile Priests

High-level Vatican officials claim ‘liberty’ for choosing pedophilia By: Jay Greenberg Ā |@NeonNettleĀ onĀ 29th July 2018 @ 9.00pm Cardinal Timothy Dolan claims raping children is a priests ‘religious freedom’ In a depraved and disturbing statement by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, a high-ranking cleric from the Catholic Church, he claimed that pedophilia is granted by God for priests. The vile comment was made by Cardinal Timothy Dolan after … Continue reading Catholic Church: Raping Children is ‘Religious Freedom’ for Pedophile Priests

Putin: The West is ‘Controlled by Satanic Pedophiles’

Russian President Vladimir Putin expose ‘deep state’ child abusers By: Jay Greenberg Ā |@NeonNettleĀ onĀ 21st July 2018 @ 12.00pm Putin says the West is controlled by a small group of ‘satanic pedophiles’ Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out against the epidemic of pedophile networks that have taken over the United States, UK, and other Western nations. Despite his recent successful unity with President Trump, he remains … Continue reading Putin: The West is ‘Controlled by Satanic Pedophiles’

DISNEY executive charged with felony child sex abuse ā€¦ The empire of Disney has always had a child exploitation secret

(Natural News) The ā€˜Happiest Place on Earthā€™Ā isnā€™t really so happyĀ forĀ everyone, including some children ā€” if you can believe that ā€” which is ironic as can be, given that the entire Disney franchise began as a wondrous, child-based, family-oriented enterprise offering clean, wholesome, traditional values-based entertainment. Thatā€™s why it shocked so many people when they learned recently that Disney exec, Jon Heely, was suspended without pay … Continue reading DISNEY executive charged with felony child sex abuse ā€¦ The empire of Disney has always had a child exploitation secret

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After Vatican staff caught in gay orgy, the Pope says GMOs are approved by the Catholic Church

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? Ā And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. Ā For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and … Continue reading After Vatican staff caught in gay orgy, the Pope says GMOs are approved by the Catholic Church


Back when most American adults were still children, they thoughtĀ that they would have flying cars and the ability to vacation on other planets by now. Itā€™s 2017 and instead, we humans are arguing aboutĀ whether the earth is flatĀ andĀ scientists are warning us about the sex robot industry. You just canā€™t make this stuff up.Ā Democracy is destroying capitalism through votes,Ā college students canā€™t pass basic algebra, andĀ most worship … Continue reading SCIENTISTS ARE NOW ISSUING ā€œDIREā€ WARNINGS ABOUT SEX ROBOTS


Jon Robberson is a 16 year veteran of Hollywood feature film, television, and commercial production. He worked behind the scenes at all of the major studios and networks, having worked on projects for such notables as Spielberg, Bruckheimer, Silver and Abrams, to name a few. He also left that scene because he says it is rife with pedophilia. Dave Daubenmire, the host of the webcastĀ Pass … Continue reading HOLLYWOOD INSIDER SPEAKS OUT, CLAIMS A GLOBAL PEDOPHILE RING CONTROLS HOLLYWOOD

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and With It, Child Pornography As Well!

This is totally disgusting! But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Ā For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall … Continue reading Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and With It, Child Pornography As Well!

Progressively Regressive Sexuality: A Return to Pagan Morality

How often have you heard sexual progressives claim that those of us who hold to traditional sexual morality and marriage are ā€œon the wrong side of history?ā€ But as one new book points out, itā€™s the proponents of the sexual revolution who are embracing a sexual morality that history left behind millennia agoā€”in the dusty ruins of the Roman Forum. Yes, today Western civilization is … Continue reading Progressively Regressive Sexuality: A Return to Pagan Morality