Genetic Engineering Will Change Us In The Next Century

There are three main industries in the world today that have been manufacturing venom synthetically for decades and hiding it and not telling you. I was asked to fly to South Dakota on Saturday and give a presentation at the Red Pill Expo. Edward Griffin personally asked me to come there and introduce the world to all the ways in which venom is being put … Continue reading Genetic Engineering Will Change Us In The Next Century

SELLIN: Chinaā€™s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

Mosquitos as bioweapon delivery platforms: The imminent danger posed by Chinaā€™s fused military-civilian research program Guest post by Lawrence Sellin China has a history of recklessness in its use of genetic engineering and the handling of dangerous microorganisms. In a Planet of the Apes, life imitating art scenario, in 2019, Chinese scientistsĀ insertedĀ human brain development genes into monkeys. Leaks out of Chinese laboratories occurred inĀ two separate … Continue reading SELLIN: Chinaā€™s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

New evidence emerges: Coronavirus ā€œbioweaponā€ might have been a Chinese vaccine experiment gone wrongā€¦ genes contain ā€œpShuttle-SNā€ sequences, proving laboratory origin

Sunday, February 02, 2020 by:Ā Mike Adams (Natural News) Two days ago, a paper published in the journal presented findings that indicated the coronavirus appeared to be engineered with ā€œkey structural proteinsā€ of HIV. The paper, entitled, ā€œUncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,ā€ concluded that the engineering of coronavirus with such gene sequences was ā€œunlikely to … Continue reading New evidence emerges: Coronavirus ā€œbioweaponā€ might have been a Chinese vaccine experiment gone wrongā€¦ genes contain ā€œpShuttle-SNā€ sequences, proving laboratory origin

Shabbat Shalom! – Weekly Torah Portion – Noah – Oct 20, 2017

Noah 6:9. These are the generations ofĀ Noah: Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.Ā Noah walked with God.Ā 10.Ā And Noah begot three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.Ā 11.Ā TheĀ wholeĀ earth was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence.12.Ā And God looked upon the earth and, behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. 6:13. And God said to Noah, ā€œThe … Continue reading Shabbat Shalom! – Weekly Torah Portion – Noah – Oct 20, 2017

Science-based GMO website filters out corporate propaganda

(Natural News) In 1992, scientists at the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) madeĀ a rulingĀ that has forever changed our world. Over a quarter of a century ago, the FDA sold out to corporations and boldly proclaimed that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were a safe and efficient means of food production. At the time they stated, ā€œthe agency is not aware of any information showing that foods derived … Continue reading Science-based GMO website filters out corporate propaganda

Boycott of Kellogg’s, maker of processed junk foods made with GMOs, expands to massive reader base of

(NaturalNews), with a massive reader base of 45 million fans, has just announced a massive boycott of all Kellogg’s brands. It’s not over GMOs, however. doesn’t focus on food, herbicides or genetic engineering. Their focus is politics, and over the last two years, they’ve risen to become the No. 1 most credible political news publisher in America (while the lying mainstream media collapses … Continue reading Boycott of Kellogg’s, maker of processed junk foods made with GMOs, expands to massive reader base of

Four more dogs found dead in Idaho as dog disappearances, killings mount

Four dogs have been found beaten in the head and shot to death in rural southern Idaho, authorities said on Thursday, adding to the mysterious disappearance and killing of dozens of dogs that has left residents in that area on edge. Examinations showed that the German Shepherd mixes, whose carcasses had been dumped in a pile off a highway south of Twin Falls, had been … Continue reading Four more dogs found dead in Idaho as dog disappearances, killings mount

The globalization of GMOs: How genetic engineering is destroying the developing world

Globalization affects everyone. The shrinking world brings people in the United States closer to ideas and cultures from all corners of the earth. Likewise, other countries are introduced to many facets of the American life and that way of life includes genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The use of GMOs in food originated in America and while much of the West has banned their use, the … Continue reading The globalization of GMOs: How genetic engineering is destroying the developing world