Human workers forced to work in highly radioactive area to topple dangerous Fukushima exhaust stack

Sunday, December 29, 2019 by:Ā Tracey Watson (Natural News) Back in March of 2011, the province of Fukushima, Japan, was struck by a series of devastating events that culminated in one of the worst nuclear disasters in history. The area was hit first by a massive earthquake, and then by a 15-metre (50-foot) tsunami. That massive tsunami, in turn, disabled the power supply and cooling functions … Continue reading Human workers forced to work in highly radioactive area to topple dangerous Fukushima exhaust stack

The dying west coast of the U.S! Now cod populations have nose-dived joining the list of seabirds, seals, whales, salmon, sardines, starfish, dolphins and tuna

Photo A deadly patch of warm water along the American West Coast called the ā€˜Pacific blobā€™, stretching all the way from California up to the Gulf of Alaska, has killed literally billions of marine species and birds since around 2011. More signs indicate the Northwestern coast of Canada and the US is dying. Study shows the Fukushima radioactive plume has reached the established fishing … Continue reading The dying west coast of the U.S! Now cod populations have nose-dived joining the list of seabirds, seals, whales, salmon, sardines, starfish, dolphins and tuna

Hell Hole on Earth Discovered at Fukushima

ByĀ Dr. Mark Sircus December 8, 2017 Most people think they have to die to go to hell but that is not true anymore. Today, in the mainstream press, they announced the existence of a hell hole in Japan at the destroyed nuclear power station at Fukushima. We have a hot spot on our planet that has never been imagined before and in the face … Continue reading Hell Hole on Earth Discovered at Fukushima

Radioactive Hot Particles Still Afloat Throughout Japan Six Years After Fukushima Meltdowns

EMERSON URRY OFĀ ENVIRONEWSĀ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Radioactive particles of uranium, thorium, radium, cesium, strontium, polonium, tellurium and americium are still afloat throughout Northern Japan more than six years after a tsunami slammed into the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant causing three full-blown nuclear meltdowns. That was the conclusion reached by two of the worldā€™s leading radiation experts after conducting an extensive five-year monitoring project. Arnie Gundersen … Continue reading Radioactive Hot Particles Still Afloat Throughout Japan Six Years After Fukushima Meltdowns