A Town Called Rapture

What if we’re all headed toward an inevitable conclusion that’s so fundamentally obvious we all should have seen it? What if God really isn’t the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33)? What if His Word is real and His promises true? When you choose to dismiss the warning, what excuse(s) will you hide behind? That there was no evidence for the Bible? There’s an answer for that … Continue reading A Town Called Rapture

The Church As The Fullness Of Christ

The following Unsealed post is dedicated to brother Dan Matson, who used his math and numerical prowess for the glory of God. We will see you in the air very soon! Veterans of the faith often hear and speak of the Church as the Bride, Body, or Temple, which are all legitimate, biblical descriptors of born-again believers in this present age. However, when was the … Continue reading The Church As The Fullness Of Christ

A Plausible Chronology

This [highly-speculative-not-Thus-saith-the-LORD] chronology improves upon previous research and is based on “The Final Four” scenario; it manages to reconcile a number of well-attested dates, including James Ussher’s traditional creation date based on the Masoretic Text (4004 BC), the traditional date of the Exodus (1446 BC), the traditional date of the entrance into the Promised Land (1407ā€“1406 BC), Ezekiel’s jubilee (574ā€“573 BC), and several historically-observed Shmita years as established … Continue reading A Plausible Chronology

The Door Is Closing

The TribulationšŸ”„is already castingitā€™s shadow onthe earth šŸ”œšŸŒŽ ā³Time isāŒ›ļøRunning Out ā€œAnd, behold,I come quicklyā€¦ā€ āœ¦ . āŗ . āœ¦ . āŗ . āœ¦ .Jesus IS Coming!!šŸŽŗāœØšŸ•ŠļøšŸ‘°šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™ŒšŸ»ā¤“ļøā˜ļø ā€œI am the door.šŸšŖIf anyone entersby Me, he willbe savedā€¦ā€ Thereā€™s onlyšŸ‘‰šŸ¼One Way Jesus saithunto him, ā€œI am the way,the truth, andthe life: no mancometh untothe Father,but by Me.ā€ JESUS SAVES šŸ›Ÿ ā€œFor God so loved the world, … Continue reading The Door Is Closing


The Psalm 83 War is inevitably coming anyday now! A preemptive strike by Israel will bring about the fulfillment of Jeremiah 49, Isaiah 17 and the Psalm 83 War, with echos of Ezekiel 38 already resounding! Damascus is sounding of like an alarm clock! In all my years of watching i have never seen Damascus being in the news on a weekly basis! The stage … Continue reading THE COMING PROPHETIC STORM THAT IS ON THE BRINK!


The year 2023 has Bible prophecies converging like never before setting the stage for which we are today and promises to lead to one inescapable conclusion ā€“ the Rapture of the Church and the worldā€™s coming appointment with divine judgment! The nature of the rapture is a forceful snatching away of the true church from a significant and specific danger or threat. This is a critical … Continue reading THE RAPTURE ā€” A FORCEFUL SNATCHING AWAY FROM DANGER!

Revelation 12 Sign – September 2023

The only time our brothers and sisters will wake up to where we are on the prophetic timeline, is when the evil ones come and arrest us and throw us in prison for refusing to give up Jesus. We are not appointed to wrath but persecution is not wrath and this is seal 5. It is in the process of taking place but it will … Continue reading Revelation 12 Sign – September 2023

Are You Ready For the Sudden Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ Today?

Today is the day to be ready for the sudden rapture of the Church of Jesus Christā€¦. tomorrow is not promised. Look around you. We are headed full speed toward the tribulation period. Jesus is the only name that can save you and the only way into Heaven! Are You Ready? Continue reading Are You Ready For the Sudden Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ Today?

Set the Date :: By Jeff Hauck

There has much buzz among prophecy watchers concerning the upcoming UN SDG Summit this September in New York. According to the UNā€™s own website, ā€œIt will mark the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals with high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to 2030.ā€ In 2015, most countriesā€™ leaders (including Israel) agreed to 17 SDGs … Continue reading Set the Date :: By Jeff Hauck

Jesus Is Eagerly Anticipating An Event That Will Soon Come To Passā€¦ Are You?

Can you remember anticipating Christmas as a child? I remember looking forward to all the joys of the season with eager expectation. On Christmas Eve my brother and I could hardly sleep. I still am one to look forward to the next family gathering or special occasion. I get excited anticipating future blessings ā€” although Iā€™ve learned better how to appreciate the moment Iā€™m in … Continue reading Jesus Is Eagerly Anticipating An Event That Will Soon Come To Passā€¦ Are You?

Rapture Deception Or Revelation? Unveiling The Mystery Of Harpazo Joe

We’ve come full circle.  Of the twelve constellations that coincide with our twelve-month calendar, there is only one that depicts a woman in labor. And there is only one time of year when the sun spotlights this stellar configuration of the child-bearing virgin (Isa. 7:14; Rev. 12:1ā€“2). On the Hebrew calendar, it’s both an end and a beginning. In ancient Rome, it was the seventh month, … Continue reading Rapture Deception Or Revelation? Unveiling The Mystery Of Harpazo Joe

Why We Cannot Let The Globalists And Apostates Have This World

This writer has to be honest. When I survey the earthā€™s and the nationā€™s landscapes of human rebellion Iā€™ve said inwardly, ā€œitā€™s all just not worth trying to save it.ā€ By that, Iā€™m not thinking of the billions of lost souls, but of this system increasingly driven by evil intention, obviously in the grip of the principalities and powers of Ephesians 6:12. In speaking with others interested … Continue reading Why We Cannot Let The Globalists And Apostates Have This World

Prophetic Storm: Jerusalem Declaration

Now theĀ LordĀ had said to Abram: ā€œGetĀ out of your country, From your family And from your fatherā€™s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And inĀ you all … Continue reading Prophetic Storm: Jerusalem Declaration

The Fig Tree, Imminence, And The Sureness Of The Pre-Trib Rapture (Part II)

First, a definition to get us all thinking on the same page: What is a biblical type, or, more broadly, a biblical typology? For starters, here is the Greek word, tupos (ā€œtypeā€; Strongā€™s 5179), used in two relevant biblical contexts: But death reigned from Adam until Moses, even on those having not sinned in the likeness of Adamā€™s transgression, who is a type [tupos] of Him who is coming (Romans … Continue reading The Fig Tree, Imminence, And The Sureness Of The Pre-Trib Rapture (Part II)

Chariots Of Fire

On Sunday the Israeli Defense Forces launchedĀ the largest military exercises in their nation’s 74-year history. DubbedĀ “Chariots of Fire,”Ā the exercises will last for four weeks, ending on Pentecost Sunday. The drills will include every unit in the IDF in preparation for what could soon be war with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and perhaps other players like the Syrian government, Jordan, and Egypt in the … Continue reading Chariots Of Fire

Billā€™s Daily Readings ā€“ Verse of the Day ā€“ Mark 13:33-37 ā€“ The Scriptures by Institute For Scripture Research ā€“ 2009 Edition ā€“ July 5, 2020

Mark 13 Christ foretells the destruction of the temple 1 And as He went out of the Set-apart Place, one of His taught ones said to Him, ā€œTeacher, see what stones! And what buildings!ā€ 2 And יהושע (Yahshua, Jesus) answering, said to him, ā€œDo you see these great buildings? Not one stone shall be left upon another at all, which shall not be thrown down.ā€(a) … Continue reading Billā€™s Daily Readings ā€“ Verse of the Day ā€“ Mark 13:33-37 ā€“ The Scriptures by Institute For Scripture Research ā€“ 2009 Edition ā€“ July 5, 2020

Signs of the Coming of Christ

David WilkersonĀ (1931-2011)April 11, 2019   ā€œFor when they say, ā€˜Peace and safety!ā€™ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thiefā€ (1 Thessalonians 5:3-4). Right now, the world is in such turmoil that people are asking, ā€œIs the world … Continue reading Signs of the Coming of Christ

A Sign In The Sun, Moon, And Stars!

GaryĀ Ā Thursday, January 24, 2019Ā  In Luke 21, the Lord Jesus told His disciples that there would be “great signs” in the heavens (Lk. 21:11) and further stated: There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.Ā  On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. –Ā Luke 21:25 There areĀ only twoĀ signs in the entire Bible called … Continue reading A Sign In The Sun, Moon, And Stars!

2018: The Year In Review

Ā GaryĀ Ā Sunday, December 30, 2018Ā  Greetings, To the churches of God that are in the United States, Israel, the severed province of Judea and Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth; to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours: Grace to … Continue reading 2018: The Year In Review