WEF “Agenda Contributor”, Yuval Noah Harari

WEF “agenda contributor”, Yuval Noah Harari: “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance”, which will enable “the Stalins of the 21st century” to monitor and analyse “the brains of all the population, all the time”. “You don’t need human agents. You don’t need human analysers. You just have a lot of sensors, and an AI which analyses it, … Continue reading WEF “Agenda Contributor”, Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari: When the Flood Comes Elite Will Build an Ark and Leave the Rest to Drown

Yuval Noah Harari: When the flood comes elite will build an ark and leave the rest to drown Harari, whose middle name happens to be Noah, has a long history of warning about the ā€œtechnological Noahā€™s Arkā€ he believes is destined to save the ‘elite’ while leaving the rest of humanity to die in a mass casualty event. Continue reading Yuval Noah Harari: When the Flood Comes Elite Will Build an Ark and Leave the Rest to Drown

Yuval Noah Harari: Surveillance Is Going Under The Skin

Video of the top advisor to Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, reveal some of the terrifyingly dark goals of The World Economic Forum. October 25, 20231 Leading World Economic Forum advisor, Yuval Noah Harari: ā€œPreviously, surveillance was mainly above the skin. Now itā€™s going under the skin. Governments want to know not just where we go, or who we meet. Above all, they want to know … Continue reading Yuval Noah Harari: Surveillance Is Going Under The Skin

Yuval Noah Harari’s Demonic Suggestions

āš ļøWEF advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, suggests that the totalitarian restrictions implemented in response to “Covid”, including stopping all flights and locking down entire countries, will make people “more open to radical ideas about how to deal with climate change.” Continue reading Yuval Noah Harari’s Demonic Suggestions

Video: Klaus Schwabā€™s Top Advisor Says This Is The End Of Human History And Accidentally Reveals Who Will Destroy Us

The world is on the verge of a new AI religion created by artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, end times villain Yuval Noah Harari recently said. Yuval Noah Harari from an end times perspective is a fascinating figure, like Klaus Schwab, he is a near-cartoon character pulled in from Central Casting in Hollywood, only heā€™s real and what he represents is sinister and terrifying. Your King … Continue reading Video: Klaus Schwabā€™s Top Advisor Says This Is The End Of Human History And Accidentally Reveals Who Will Destroy Us

WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ā€˜Religions That Are Actually Correctā€™

Ā I testify to everyone who hearsĀ the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyoneĀ adds to them, God will add to himĀ the plagues that are written inĀ this book;Ā Ā and if anyoneĀ takes away from theĀ words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part fromĀ the tree of life andĀ [a]from the holy city,Ā which are written in this book. (Revelation 22:18-19 New American Standard Bible) A … Continue reading WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ā€˜Religions That Are Actually Correctā€™

Great Reset Architect Yuval Harari Discusses AIā€™s Potential Impact on QAnon and Q Posts at the Frontiers Forum Event (VIDEO)

Yuval Noah Harari/Youtube World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Noah Harari took the stage at the Frontiers Forum in late April to share his insights on a wide range of topics, from AI tools to controversial QAnon and Q posts. During his speech in Montreux, Switzerland, Yuval Noah Harari offered insightful reflections and speculations on ā€œAI and the future of humanity.ā€ Harari used the controversial QAnon … Continue reading Great Reset Architect Yuval Harari Discusses AIā€™s Potential Impact on QAnon and Q Posts at the Frontiers Forum Event (VIDEO)

The Greatest Reset

For followers of the science fiction television and movie series Star Trek, one of the most memorable and recurring antagonists is the Borg, a race of beings composed of organic and biomechatronic body parts linked together in a hive mind called ā€œthe Collectiveā€. In their goal to achieve perfection, the Borg travel through the galaxy extending their power and control by integrating the knowledge and technology … Continue reading The Greatest Reset

Are you ready to be ā€˜upgradedā€™ to Humanity 2.0? Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari say itā€™s just a matter of time before you willĀ be

Iā€™ve seen several reports that ChatGPT, the new artificial intelligence program thatā€™s all the rage, has been found to have a built-in bias against whites, Christians and Jews. In anĀ articleĀ published atĀ Business Insider, they claimed that ChatGPT must be ā€œwokeā€ if its owner, OpenAI, wants to attract major investors. Thatā€™s because the large investors are concerned about their ESG scores and wouldnā€™t want to invest in … Continue reading Are you ready to be ā€˜upgradedā€™ to Humanity 2.0? Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari say itā€™s just a matter of time before you willĀ be

WEF Declare Humans Who Wish To Live Must Become Batteries For AI

Despite what the mainstream media are attempting to convince us, the World Economic Forum are not trying to fix the world for humanity. Theyā€™re trying to fix things for a tiny minority of the worldā€™s population. And in order to do this, they are trying to break you. You might want to start paying closer attention. For instance, did you know that WEF advisor Bill Gates … Continue reading WEF Declare Humans Who Wish To Live Must Become Batteries For AI

World Economic Forum says the only way to ā€œsave humanityā€ is to unleash the pedophiles

In order to make the world a better place, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants the nations of the world to legalize or at least decriminalize pedophilia, which the globalists are now referring to as ā€œage gap love.ā€ To criminalize the sexual molestation of children is to ā€œviolate human rights,ā€ according to WEF head Klaus Schwab and his partner in crime Yuval Noah Harari, who says … Continue reading World Economic Forum says the only way to ā€œsave humanityā€ is to unleash the pedophiles

World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ā€˜Will Save Humanityā€™

A controversial initiative being promoted in the corridors of power by Klaus Schwabā€™s World Economic Forum in Davos is set to have families and anyone who cares about children up in arms. The World Economic Forum is now calling for the decriminalization of sex with children, arguing that laws against ā€œage gap love,ā€ more commonly known as pedophilia, ā€œviolate human rights.ā€ Rather than being a … Continue reading World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ā€˜Will Save Humanityā€™

‘Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming’

STORY AT-A-GLANCE In this video, I interview Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology1Ā (the original platform, not to be confused with the current mRNA COVID shots), and author of “Lies My Government Told Me: And the Better Future Coming.” In my view, Malone has been one of the most prominent leaders in helping us understand the scientific truth … Continue reading ‘Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming’

Klaus Schwab: ā€˜God Is Deadā€™ and the WEF is ā€˜Acquiring Divine Powersā€™

God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that ā€œJesus is fake news,ā€ and that WEF leaders have ā€œacquired divine powersā€ to rule over humanity. According to the WEF, a new one world religion has arrived and it unites all of humanity in worshipping at the altar of climate science, techno-communism and eugenics. If you find it hard to believe … Continue reading Klaus Schwab: ā€˜God Is Deadā€™ and the WEF is ā€˜Acquiring Divine Powersā€™

Klaus Schwabā€™s Right-Hand Man Calls for ā€œMass Extinction Eventā€ to Usher in Great Reset

Another leaked video has emerged to show that the World Economic Forum (WEF), led by the infamous globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab, is planning to unleash mass genocide as the catalyst for its promised ā€œGreat Reset.ā€ Yuval Noah Harari, who is described as Schwabā€™s ā€œright-hand man,ā€ is on a promotional tour right now shilling a new book he allegedly wrote. That manuscript asks questions like: What do we need so many … Continue reading Klaus Schwabā€™s Right-Hand Man Calls for ā€œMass Extinction Eventā€ to Usher in Great Reset

Yuval Noah Harari | How Drugs & Video Games Have Been Instrumental

This Man Has the Anti-Christ Spirit World Thought Leaders – Yuval Noah Harari There has never been a time like now. The leaders of the world have never let a good emergency go to waste. Covid 19 is no exception! Thought leader, Yuval Noah Harari explains how drugs and video games have been used to control the population of the world. (the Common Sense Show) … Continue reading Yuval Noah Harari | How Drugs & Video Games Have Been Instrumental

I Know Why Elon Musk Bought Into Twitter and the Answer Tells Us We Have Entered the End Days

I reported in an earlier article that I recently visited Dealey Plaza, the site of JFKā€™s murder. In the previous article, I stated that when I stood behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, I felt an overwhelming feeling of evil like I had never felt before. I have come to believe that God has made me aware of the presence of the Anti-Christ … Continue reading I Know Why Elon Musk Bought Into Twitter and the Answer Tells Us We Have Entered the End Days