Child Sex Workers ā€˜Fully Bookedā€™ at Davos, WEF Insider Says

Thousands of children have been flown into the World Economic Forum under cover of darkness for the global eliteā€™s annual summit in the Swiss alpine report of Davos, according to World Economic Forum insiders who reveal the horrific scale of the eliteā€™s chosen vice. Dozens of private jets have been turned into child escort carriers to traffic the children across borders and into the vipersā€™ … Continue reading Child Sex Workers ā€˜Fully Bookedā€™ at Davos, WEF Insider Says

Alex Soros At The World Economic Forum

šŸ˜ˆAlex Soros At The World Economic ForumšŸ’° šŸ‘…”Checks and balances, which aren’t written anywhere but are our customs, and one man, Donald Trump literally came in and just took that all away” Continue reading Alex Soros At The World Economic Forum

WEF Orders World Leaders To Nullify U.S. Election Results if Trump Wins

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has ordered world leaders to nullify the U.S. election results if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential race. During the WEFā€™s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland last week, the unelected bureaucrats discussed how they will counter a Trump presidency. Bloomberg Television hostĀ Francine Lacqua asked leaders at the WEF during Fridayā€™s session about how they would prepare for the very real … Continue reading WEF Orders World Leaders To Nullify U.S. Election Results if Trump Wins

Pope Francis Urges WEF To Promote ā€˜Far-Sightedā€™ Globalization

The Pope has called on members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to promote ā€œfar-sighted and ethically soundā€ models of globalization. In aĀ letter addressed to Klaus Schwab, Pope Francis called on the elites attending Davos, to work for a more ethical globalization, arguing that the process is inevitable. The Pontif is a natural ally of the WEF, whose goals overlap substantially with his own. He … Continue reading Pope Francis Urges WEF To Promote ā€˜Far-Sightedā€™ Globalization

Yuval Horror Harari says: “Human Rights are a fiction”

šŸ‘½Yuval Horror Harari says: šŸ‘…”Human rights are a fiction.” šŸ‘…”Like heaven and like God – it’s just a fictional story that we have invented and spread. It’s just a story – it’s not a biological reality. Just as ostriches have no rights, homo sapiens have no rights.” Continue reading Yuval Horror Harari says: “Human Rights are a fiction”

They Want Humanity to Eat Lab Grown Food

They want humanity to eat LAB GROWN FOOD. Bugs are the new poor manā€™s snack. This is why they are attacking how we as humans get our food. From fishing and farming. 2 more pieces from Davos. New term: “ECOCIDE.” They want to end up putting a stop šŸ›‘ to Fishing & Farming. These World Economic Forum meetings have been crazy, to say the least. … Continue reading They Want Humanity to Eat Lab Grown Food

Protesters Demand the End of the Davos Forum and Cause a Massive Traffic Jam

Approximately 350 protesters on Sunday in Davos (GR) demanded climate justice and the end of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Earlier, they had blocked a road near the town, causing a traffic jam over 18 kilometers long. “We finally took our rightful place,” a spokesperson for the protesters told Keystone-ATS. They had requested to march on the main road from KĆ¼blis (GR) to Davos, but … Continue reading Protesters Demand the End of the Davos Forum and Cause a Massive Traffic Jam