How to Reject ‘The Great Reset’

How to reject ‘The Great Reset’ Try to fulfil as many points as possible: 📌 Have more than two children.📌 Eat lots of pasture meat, feed bugs to chicken only.📌 Stop eating more than 8g of sugar per day (it makes you addicted).📌 Consume alternative and objective media. Learn how to read and interpret scientific studies.📌 Learn one new hard skill per week/month.📌 Drive a … Continue reading How to Reject ‘The Great Reset’

Palace Insider: Kate Middleton’s Cancer Is Psy-Op To Normalize Turbo Cancer Depopulation Event

The Princess of Wales’ Kate Middleton’s cancer announcement is one small but important part of a vast and all-consuming psy-op designed to manipulate the masses, according to a World Economic Forum insider who has revealed the dark truth behind the curtain. While mainstream media has been ordered by the elite to ramp up the agenda to gaslight the public and normalize cancer in all its … Continue reading Palace Insider: Kate Middleton’s Cancer Is Psy-Op To Normalize Turbo Cancer Depopulation Event

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Sister Isabel Works For The WEF

Were you aware that Ghislaine Maxwells sister Isabel S Maxwell is a member of the WEF? Isabel, who took over her younger sisters affairs when she was incarcerated, is listed as a Technology Pioneer of the World Economic Forum According to Wikipedia, Isabel Sylvia Margaret Maxwell is a French-born entrepreneur and the co-founder of Magellan, an early search engine that was acquired by Excite. Maxwell served as the President … Continue reading Ghislaine Maxwell’s Sister Isabel Works For The WEF

Leo Hohmann: Liberal State Declares War on Small Farmers and Homesteaders: War on Food is Spreading in U.S. Through Land-Use Restrictions, Geoengineering and Waves of Propaganda

This article originally appeared on Leo Hohmann’s Substack and was republished with permission Remember, it really is all about depopulation The World Economic Forum warned us several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: “You will own nothing and learn to like it“? This mantra is playing out in real time in the state of … Continue reading Leo Hohmann: Liberal State Declares War on Small Farmers and Homesteaders: War on Food is Spreading in U.S. Through Land-Use Restrictions, Geoengineering and Waves of Propaganda

The Global Elite Just Gathered at a Secretive Mini Davos

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty It was past midnight on Friday when the Swiss investor Guy Spier finally left the James Joyce pub in Zurich, after a night of carousing with luminaries of finance, government, and academia. The group had assembled for World.Minds—an under-the-radar fraternity for the global elite—which had just concluded its annual symposium. The summit fashions itself as “the thinking man’s Davos,” one … Continue reading The Global Elite Just Gathered at a Secretive Mini Davos

Deadly Disinformation Dozen #12: Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum

Deadly Disinformation Dozen #12: Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum “Nobody will be safe if not everybody is vaccinated.” There was a concerted effort amongst the elite to fear us into vaccination. They lied, people died, now they must be held to account for their crimes. • Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food. Breaks down the spike protein. • Bromelain: 500 … Continue reading Deadly Disinformation Dozen #12: Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum

“We Don’t Have Four New Planets”

“We don’t have four new planets” 🇨🇭🇺🇳Speaking at the WEF, UN peace envoy Jane Goodall condemns the “nightmare” of the existence of 8 billion people on the planet, calling for population reduction Ref.: 👿Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall (born April 3, 1934, London) is a British primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist, UN Peace Ambassador, honorary member of the Future World Council. She is widely known for her over … Continue reading “We Don’t Have Four New Planets”

WEF Insider Reveals The ‘New 9/11’ Will Be a ‘Global Famine’

The global elites are planning another false flag worse than 9/11 according to a World Economic Forum insider who claims the “systemic shock” caused by a devastating “global famine” will allow the elite to usher in mechanisms granting them tyrannical control over humanity. Governments in the WEF-infiltrated European Union have been ordered to engage in wargames which simulate the upcoming global food crisis, according to the insider who warns … Continue reading WEF Insider Reveals The ‘New 9/11’ Will Be a ‘Global Famine’

WEF Insider: Imminent ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attack Will Disrupt 2024 Election

The global elite’s Noah’s Ark moment is almost here, according to a WEF insider who warns final preparations are being put in place for a devastating cyber attack on the US power grid that will disconnect the public from the internet, wipe out savings, and plunge the nation into chaos for years, allowing the elite to roll out the next phase of their totalitarian master … Continue reading WEF Insider: Imminent ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attack Will Disrupt 2024 Election

A New You: Unveiling the Unexpected Personality Changes After COVID Vaccination

A New You: Unveiling the Unexpected Personality Changes After COVID Vaccination In this video (), experts explain how the 🧬mRNA “trans”jections not only cause physical 💥damage to 🫀🫁organs but also damage the small capillaries in the 🧠brain, overriding the blood-brain barrier and eventually, leading to massive personality changes.  They also discussed how the 💉mRNA injections are literally breaking the 😣will of some of those who … Continue reading A New You: Unveiling the Unexpected Personality Changes After COVID Vaccination

The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predictive Movies”

The Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma Complex (FMIMP) Control over Humans. According to Peter Koenig who is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), the “dark cult” must warn and inform us of their plans. Koenig, explains that this is “predictive programming” and is used to destabilise society, which instils fear into the masses thus, making us all suitably vulnerable. While this … Continue reading The World Economic Forum’s “Frankensteinization” of the Entire World. Hollywood’s “Predictive Movies”

Ursula von der Leyen Proudly Declares That They Want to Implement the Will of the Billionaires in Order to Enforce the Elites’ New World Order

📢 After the Davos summit to decide to fight “misinformation” (everything what is against the MSM), European Union Chief Ursula von der Leyen proudly declares that they want to implement the will of the billionaires in order to enforce the elites’ New World Order. ⚡️♨️ NWO ALERT – NATO will manage the “security implications of the climate crisis” – Von der Leyen outlines the contours … Continue reading Ursula von der Leyen Proudly Declares That They Want to Implement the Will of the Billionaires in Order to Enforce the Elites’ New World Order

WEF Calls for Democratic Elections To Be Banned: “The Elite Can Decide Who Runs the World”

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has declared that it’s time to ban elections worldwide and allow the elite to decide to runs the world. “We can create a system where we don’t even need democratic elections, because we can predict how you are going to be thinking and feeling,” Klaus said. reports: Never mind that democratic elections are a thing of the far past. … Continue reading WEF Calls for Democratic Elections To Be Banned: “The Elite Can Decide Who Runs the World”

WEF Orders Govt’s To Ban ALL Russians From Owning Property

The World Economic Forum has ordered government’s in Europe to completely ban all Russians from purchasing or owning properties outside of Russia. The WEF-controlled nation of Finland has become the first EU nation to implement the WEF’s new policy by completely banning Russian citizens from owning real estate in the country. According to Young Global Leader and Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen, the Finnish government has formed … Continue reading WEF Orders Govt’s To Ban ALL Russians From Owning Property

Now They’re Coming For Your Coffee

Now they’re coming for your coffee. ☕️ 🇨🇭Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Hubert Keller: 👅”The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.” X 🧷 WAM Continue reading Now They’re Coming For Your Coffee

Gates Still Trying To Convince People To Take ‘Safe & Effective Vaccines

Bill Gates is still on what appears to be his never-ending quest to inject the global human population with as many “vaccines” as possible. The Covid pandemic may be old news at the World Economic Forum, but that hasn’t stopped the American billionaire from peddling his vaccinations at this years meeting in Davos. He told his fellow globalists: “We will have new vaccines. We’ll have … Continue reading Gates Still Trying To Convince People To Take ‘Safe & Effective Vaccines

Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Last Summer Called ‘Disease X Act’ – Media Blackout

In June 2023, the U.S. Congress quietly passed a new bill called House Resolution 3832, also known as the Disease X Act of 2023, that references a deadly pandemic that is coincidentally the subject of a World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting that took place last week. At the WEF meeting, the elites decided that Disease X “could have 20 times more fatalities than COVID.” reports: What we are … Continue reading Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Last Summer Called ‘Disease X Act’ – Media Blackout

Tedros is Asked When They Plan to Release Disease X

😈Tedros is asked when they plan to release Disease X. X 🧷DavosNews2024 • Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food. Breaks down the spike protein. • Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food. Also breaks down the spike protein. • Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested). Blocks the spike protein and prevents it from doing further … Continue reading Tedros is Asked When They Plan to Release Disease X