America, Prepare to Defend Yourselves! Open Air Concentration Camps Are Ready

 America has been invaded and is in the proces of being occupied. ILS towers which can be used to guide in troop transport planes and heavy equipment in bad weather are being put into the countryside outside of Cheyenne,Wyoming, where they have a  lot of bad weather. Intellistreets “Big Brother” surveillance is being installed in Cheyenne, Wyoming as well and is prevalent at the local … Continue reading America, Prepare to Defend Yourselves! Open Air Concentration Camps Are Ready

How Smart Cities Will Lock Up Humanity Inside Open Air Concentration Camps

How Smart Cities Will Lock Up Humanity Inside Open-Air Concentration Camps  Stop World Control warns humanity about the agenda for world domination. ā€œWe are the 99%, the tyrants are only the 1%. But the problem is that most of us are doing nothing.ā€ They argue, ā€œThe majority even refuse to see what is right in front of their noses.ā€ Below is a publication from Stop World … Continue reading How Smart Cities Will Lock Up Humanity Inside Open Air Concentration Camps