Top Adviser to Ayatollah Khamenei Threatens Regional Nuclear Arms Race if Israeli Nukes Aren’t Withdrawn; Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Already Possesses Nuclear Weapons

Top adviser to Ayatollah Khamenei threatens regional nuclear arms race if Israeli nukes aren’t withdrawn; Iranian lawmaker claims Tehran already possesses nuclear weapons BREAKING ā€“ Estimates show that Iran will be able to produce 10 nuclear bombs in a short period of time. According to estimates, 60% of each 40 kg of uranium, 20% of each 200 kg of uranium and 3.5% of each 1,200 … Continue reading Top Adviser to Ayatollah Khamenei Threatens Regional Nuclear Arms Race if Israeli Nukes Aren’t Withdrawn; Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Already Possesses Nuclear Weapons

Resistance to Iranian Influence and Proxies Awakens Across the Middle East

Anti-regime graffiti in support of Israel on IranianĀ streets, April 2024 (Photo: Social media). Slogans sprayed on walls across Iran included messages like: ā€œIsrael strike (the regime) and leave the rest with us on the street,ā€ and ā€œHit them Israel, Iran is behind you.ā€ Source Continue reading Resistance to Iranian Influence and Proxies Awakens Across the Middle East

UPDATED 10;41 AM EDT — No Admission by Israel of Involvement in Last Night’s “Attack” on Iran

The Israel-Iran situation gets weirder by the minute.Ā  There were some explosions in Iran last night, but they were very small and didn’t damage anything. It now appears they simply “sent a message.” That there were some small explosions in Iran last night is not in question; there were.  But Iran is saying it was their Air Defense system shooting down small Quadcopter drones, and … Continue reading UPDATED 10;41 AM EDT — No Admission by Israel of Involvement in Last Night’s “Attack” on Iran

Israel BOMBS Iran, Syria

Israel has reportedly launched Missile attacks against Iran, in an escalatory “response” to the Iran retaliation over Israel Bombing Iran’s Embassy on April 1. Reports are coming in saying Israel struck the Isfahan and Natanz nuclear facilities in central Iran, Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps locations in Iran, and several sites in neighboring country of Iraq. Israeli missile launches follow Iran’s attack last Saturday, where the … Continue reading Israel BOMBS Iran, Syria

Please Share What’s Below

PLEASE SHARE WHATā€™S BELOW: An Israeli scientist who works for the security system and is a doctor of physics wrote the following words to his Rabbi yesterday: “I wanted to share with the rabbi something that is much more than a feeling. That on Shabbat night something happened here on the scale of the splitting of the Red Sea. ā€œI am a doctor of physics … Continue reading Please Share What’s Below

Update: Iran Had Launch a Swarm of Suicide Drones Towards Israel

ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø Iran had launch a swarm of suicide drones towards Israel – Axios DOOMSDAY ALERT ā€“ Iranian attack on Israel started! ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø Several long-range ballistic missiles were fired from Iran towards Israel – Israeli media Iran, Yemen, Syria, Hezbollah and fighters of the Iraqi Shiite militia Hashd al-Shaabi are attacking Israel en masse with missiles and drones There are more than 200 different attack drones … Continue reading Update: Iran Had Launch a Swarm of Suicide Drones Towards Israel

US has picked up intelligence showing that Iran is preparing to launch a co-ordinated retaliatory strike using Shaheed Drones and Ballistic missiles against Israel

šŸšØ BREAKING – US has picked up intelligence showing that Iran is preparing to launch a co-ordinated retaliatory strike using Shaheed Drones and Ballistic missiles against Israel. ā€” šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø/šŸ‡®šŸ‡· NEW: Through a series of messages exchanged via third parties, the United States and Iran have come to an understanding; Iran assured the Americans it will not target U.S. facilities, and in turn the U.S. says … Continue reading US has picked up intelligence showing that Iran is preparing to launch a co-ordinated retaliatory strike using Shaheed Drones and Ballistic missiles against Israel

We Are Here, It’s That Day!

We are here, it’s that day! The last Friday of Ramadan and Iranian Jerusalem Day on top of we are “waiting” to see what will happen as “revenge” from Iran after the Israeli attack in Syria. There’s a tension here, you feel it. Pray for God’s Holy Land, pray for the IDF and police standing guard, also in Jerusalem as 100,000 Muslims are coming in … Continue reading We Are Here, It’s That Day!

The Scenarios For Which the Security System Prepares

The scenarios for which the security system prepares: In addition, the alert level in Israeli embassies around the world was raised. The increased security was subject to situation assessments by the Shin Bet and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This morning, as part of the preparations, the security system activated GPS jamming in the center of the country, similar to the step taken in the … Continue reading The Scenarios For Which the Security System Prepares

Bizarre: Iran Declares Ownership of Antarctica, Plans to Build Military Base in South Pole

Iranā€™s top Navy Commander announced that Iran owns Antarctica, and the regime plans to build a military base in the South Pole. In a broadcast last fall, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani stated, ā€œWe have property rights in the South Pole. We have a plan to raise our flag there and carry out military and scientific work.ā€ Iranā€™s declaration of ownership of Antarctica … Continue reading Bizarre: Iran Declares Ownership of Antarctica, Plans to Build Military Base in South Pole

Iran Targets Pakistan With Missile Attack, Third Country in 24 Hours

The strikes come amid heightened tensions in the region surrounding Israel’s war against Hamas. Iran said Tuesday it launched attacks targeting what it deems as bases for the Jaish al-Adl militant group in Pakistan, making it the third country to be directly attacked by Iran in the past 24 hours.Ā  The state-run IRNA media outlet said Iran used missiles and drones to attack Jaish al-Adl, … Continue reading Iran Targets Pakistan With Missile Attack, Third Country in 24 Hours

Senior IRGC Official Said Killed in Alleged Israeli Strike in Damascus

A senior officer in Iranā€™s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike in the Syrian capital of Damascus, Iranian media reports. Now the question is, what will the response be.You better believe Israel is on high alert. Senior IRGC official said killed in alleged Israeli strike in Damascus | The Times of Israel Continue reading Senior IRGC Official Said Killed in Alleged Israeli Strike in Damascus

“Huge Unprecedented Explosions” in Dier Ezor Syria – Reports US Attacking with Heavy Air strikes

Numerous and very large explosions are taking place in the city of Dier Ezor, Syria as you read this at 7:26 PM eastern US Time, Wednesday, 08 November.  Reports say the United States is attacking Syria. These air strikes began as additional reports began coming in of an attack on a US Base inside neighboring Iraq, where US troops are housed. US forces at the … Continue reading “Huge Unprecedented Explosions” in Dier Ezor Syria – Reports US Attacking with Heavy Air strikes

Israel Shoots Down the First Missile in Space

Israel has just made an important step in warfare. Their Arrow missile-defense system has shot down a ballistic missile outside of Earthā€™s atmosphere, which is the first time warfare has taken place in space. This was an Iranian missile launched from Yemen by the Iran-backed Houthis, who have declared war on Israel.Ā  This missile traveled out of the Earthā€™s atmosphere in hopes of avoiding all … Continue reading Israel Shoots Down the First Missile in Space

UPDATED 4:01 PM EDT — New Hezbollah Video About Speech “Tomorrow” Shows Pushing LAUNCH Button

A video just released by Hezbollah in Lebanon, in advance of a speech by the Hezbollah Leader, — has, as its final scene, a finger pushing a Missile control panel button labeled “LAUNCH.”   If ever there was a signal that open warfare begins tomorrow, this seems to be it.  Video below. UPDATE 4:01 PM EDT — There is now a growing consensus in the Intelligence … Continue reading UPDATED 4:01 PM EDT — New Hezbollah Video About Speech “Tomorrow” Shows Pushing LAUNCH Button

Hezbollah Releases Final Teaser Before Tomorrow’s Highly Anticipated Speech On Whether They Will Join The War

JUST IN ā€“ HEZBOLLAH RELEASES FINAL TEASER BEFORE TOMORROW’S HIGHLY ANTICIPATED SPEECH ON WHETHERTHEY WILL JOIN THE WAR šŸšØThis is the FIRST TIME Hezbollah release teasers for a speech, making this VERY CONCERNING MY THOUGHTS: THINGS DO NOT LOOK GOOD šŸ”— Mario Nawfal These are the exact coordinates of the location in Beirut where tomorrowā€™s rally of Hezbollah will take place.Our Air Force fighter jets … Continue reading Hezbollah Releases Final Teaser Before Tomorrow’s Highly Anticipated Speech On Whether They Will Join The War

*****FLASH ***** U.S. House Approves Resolution on Iran: “All means necessary” to prevent Nuclear Armed Iran

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a Resolution late last nightĀ  “. . . to use all means necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon; . . .”Ā  Ā  Now we know why our military is massed in Middle East. It now seems clear to me that all the US military hardware sent to the easstern Mediterranean, has nothing at all to do … Continue reading *****FLASH ***** U.S. House Approves Resolution on Iran: “All means necessary” to prevent Nuclear Armed Iran

The Psalm 83 War in the Middle EastĀ is Inevitably Coming Anyday Now

The Psalm 83 War in the Middle EastĀ is inevitably coming anyday now! Iran’s waring factions Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah have all been preparing for such a war for decades, and when it finally arrives the death and destruction it will cause will stun the entire planet! Psalms 83:5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: Consulted and Confederate together : … Continue reading The Psalm 83 War in the Middle EastĀ is Inevitably Coming Anyday Now

UPDATED 2:32 PM EDT — The Warnings Grow More Stark

Iran WARNS ISRAEL: “If the war expands any further, we cannot say that Israel would lose, because nothing will remain of Israel to be described as loser or winnerā€ IRAN – ā€œIF AN IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE DOESN’T TAKE PLACE BY U.S. AND ZIONIST REGIME THEN CONSEQUENCES WOULD BE HARSH.” Jordan: Ejects Israeli Ambassador, RECALLS Jordanian Ambassador from Israel; Neither to return until War on Gaza stops. … Continue reading UPDATED 2:32 PM EDT — The Warnings Grow More Stark