US Government Will Ban Americans From Air Travel Effective May 2025 Unless They Have Federalized ‘Real ID’ Driver’s License

The globalists are moving quickly to crush our freedom of movement, and the US government is all in. The freedom-crushing policies come under many false pretenses. They come under the guise of national security, protecting the planet from so-called climate change, and protecting us from public-health emergencies. I reported yesterday on the U.N. World Health Organization adopting a set of freedom-crushing amendments to the existing … Continue reading US Government Will Ban Americans From Air Travel Effective May 2025 Unless They Have Federalized ‘Real ID’ Driver’s License

UK Confirms Depleted Uranium Munitions Being Used Against Russians In Ukraine

The British military has confirmed that thousands of depleted uranium rounds are now in Ukraine, despite prior vehement Russian warnings not to follow through with the transfer. “We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armour-piercing rounds,” British Armed Forces Minister James Heappey said while fielding a question from Scottish MP Kenny MacAskill. Heappey confirmed that the controversial munitions “are now under the … Continue reading UK Confirms Depleted Uranium Munitions Being Used Against Russians In Ukraine

Following the Completion of the Ongoing and Planned Economic Collapse of America, China and Russia Will Launch a 9 Pronged Attack Upon the United States (Part II)

After Biden successfully collapses the economy, through the withdrawal of energy and then a bioattack consisting of Ebola and small pox, America will be attacked by a combination of Russian and Chinese forces. The strategy is not secret and we have actually discussed this before.Ā  Ukraine is a distraction to bleed the American military dry. China’s coming attack upon Taiwan will drain even more American … Continue reading Following the Completion of the Ongoing and Planned Economic Collapse of America, China and Russia Will Launch a 9 Pronged Attack Upon the United States (Part II)