WEF Insider: Klaus Schwab Facing Death Penalty for ā€˜Crimes Against Humanityā€™

Leading globalists are set to be sacrificed on the altar of public outrage for their roles in the Covid plandemic, according to an International Criminal Court insider who revealed that preparations are underway for Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg 2.0 trials at the ICC in the Hague. The globalist elite have done their best to unleash hell on earth in the last four years but we … Continue reading WEF Insider: Klaus Schwab Facing Death Penalty for ā€˜Crimes Against Humanityā€™

China & Globalists at War with America ā€“ Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax.  Kingston has not had to correct or retract a single statement in nearly 3 years and 19 interviews on USAWatchdog.comā€”NOT ONE.  Now, she is taking her research and analysis up to a new level by warning America the Chinese are engaged in … Continue reading China & Globalists at War with America ā€“ Karen Kingston

The 2024 Annual Bilderberg Meeting is Currently Taking Place in Madrid, Spain

Secretive Bilderberg Conference Kicks Off: Meeting Agenda & Attendees List Revealed What are they planning this time? šŸ¤Ø Source šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ø ICYMI: The 2024 annual Bilderberg Meeting is currently taking place in Madrid, Spain. šŸ§¾List of participants 2024 Continue reading The 2024 Annual Bilderberg Meeting is Currently Taking Place in Madrid, Spain