Pope Francis: ā€˜Deniers Of Climate Changeā€™ Are ā€˜Foolishā€™

Climate Change Is A Lie! Pope Francis, in a recent CBS interview, labeled skeptics of the climate change narrative as ā€˜foolishā€™ for not believing ā€˜research.ā€™ Pope Francis interviewed by CBS’ Anchor Norah O’Donnell, April 2024 Video screenshot/CBS VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) ā€” Pope Francis has stated that ā€œdeniers of climate changeā€ are ā€œfoolishā€ as they donā€™t believe ā€œresearch,ā€ and insisting that ā€œclimate change exists.ā€ InĀ commentsĀ made to … Continue reading Pope Francis: ā€˜Deniers Of Climate Changeā€™ Are ā€˜Foolishā€™

WATCH AND SHARE: Devastating Documentary ā€˜Climate: The Movieā€™ Obliterates Climate Scam, Shadowbanned By YouTube

A devastating new film by British documentary filmmaker Martin Durkin has obliterated the climate change scam in just 80 minutes. Durkin, a former revolutionary communist turned staunch libertarian, exposes the climate change scam by interviewing a cast of world renowned academics and researchers who calmly break down how the earthā€™s climate has always been changing and not a result of human activity. Climate: The MovieĀ is … Continue reading WATCH AND SHARE: Devastating Documentary ā€˜Climate: The Movieā€™ Obliterates Climate Scam, Shadowbanned By YouTube

Climate Change Scam

šŸšØClimate Change Scam ā€œI resent you calling me a ā€˜Denierā€™ that is a word meant to put me downā€ Listen to Meteorologist & Founder of the Weather Channel – John Coleman absolutely destroy the Climate Change Hoax in under 3 minutes. ā€œThere is NO significant Global Warming now, there hasnā€™t been in the past & thereā€™s NO reason to expect it in the futureā€ Remember … Continue reading Climate Change Scam