FREE: Monday, June 17 Radio Show – We Are OUT OF TIME – and Likely to Be Hit By Russia In a Large Military Strike. PREPARE While You Can

Below is a free archive of my June 17 radio show which aired on WBCQ, WRMI, and WWCR, heard in almost 100 countries around the world.  It lays out, in  a simple, calm, rational, manner, why Russia has every right to attack the United States and NATO, over the Ukraine situation, and why we are LIKELY to be hit – very soon — and that YOU need to prepare while you still can — or you will die.

This is not some dreary, intellectual foray into bullshit abstract concepts; it’s real life. Real facts. Real historical perspective and real analysis.

It’s not “fear porn” or “click bait” or even “Chicken Little, the sky is falling.  

The simple fact is that our government has been deliberately waging a campaign to get Russia to ATTACK US, and I believe they have all but succeeded.   I think we do not have much time left before war explodes upon us.  Here; inside the United States.

If you do not have emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on . . . a generator to keep your refrigerator running so your food doesn’t spoil, fuel for that generator, communications gear like CB or HAM radio, flashlights, a spare portable radio, batteries for both . . . a First Aid kit and a way to cook without electric . . . . then you will NOT survive.

Please give ear to this one hour show.  It goes by fast.  Very interesting. Packed with facts that anyone and everyone can verify.

I WAIVE my copyright on this show and grant PERMISSION for it to be reproduced and rebroadcast, license free.  It’s THAT important to get the word out!

Click Here to Listen


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