Former Head of the National Security Agency Joins Board of OpenAI Sparking Concerns


Paul Miki Nakasone, the former head of the National Security Agency and Commander of U.S. Cyber Command, was recently added to the board and is expected to play a critical role in decisions moving forward.

Former whistleblower Edward Snowden was quick to speak out, citing concerns over the direction of artificial intelligence. He said this in a post on X. “The intersection of AI with the ocean of mass surveillance data that’s been building up over the past two decades is going to put truly terrible powers in the hands of an unaccountable few.”

Reportedly Nakasone will also serve as the tech firm’s head for safety and security sparking another level of scrutiny over the hire.

According to industry expert Matthew Green artificial intelligence’s biggest use is related to surveillance. Such commentary certainly will not quell newfound concerns related to Nakasone’s hiring.

OpenAI has not responded to concerns over the hire, but has rather highlighted the addition of Nakasone as a benefit to the company’s development.

With trust perpetually deteriorating between American citizens and the U.S. government, moves likes this only add fuel to the fire in a contentious debate over what freedoms truly remain and what organizations are doing with the sea of data that is collected every second.

On a broader level, the debate over the development of artificial intelligence isn’t going anywhere either,  and despite major icons in the tech industry calling for a pause, A.I. seems to accelerating at a rapid, and terrifying, pace.


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