Israel BOMBS Iran, Syria

Israel has reportedly launched Missile attacks against Iran, in an escalatory “response” to the Iran retaliation over Israel Bombing Iran’s Embassy on April 1.

Reports are coming in saying Israel struck the Isfahan and Natanz nuclear facilities in central Iran, Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps locations in Iran, and several sites in neighboring country of Iraq.

Israeli missile launches follow Iran’s attack last Saturday, where the country sent a volley of more than 300 uncrewed drones and missiles toward targets throughout the country, Israeli military officials previously said. All but a few were intercepted by Israel and its allies, including the United States, officials said.

That attack by Iran was lawful pursuant to Article 5 of the United Nations Charter, because Iran did that in response to Israel bombing the Iranian Embassy compound in Damascus, Syria, on April 1, in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Iran has previously warned that any attack upon Iranian soil, by Israel, would be met with a ferocious Iran response.

Now, the world waits to see how far this escalates.   

LIVE UPDATES will appear below.

UPDATE 10:15 PM EDT — IRAN HAS ORDERED A CLEARING OF ITS AIR SPACE, presumably for its missile response . . . .

— Iranian media are now reporting that Israel is responsible for the attacks


— Residents of Zardanjan District: At 4:30 a.m. in Zardanjan in Isfahan, near the nuclear facility, many explosions were heard and Iranian air defenses tried to respond to the attack.

NOTAM Closing Iran Air Space:

— Multiple airports in Iran have closed per recent NOTAM postings. 

GOLD and SILVER Spiking as Investors Flee for Cover:

— Iran’s state-affiliated Fars News Agency confirms that at least 1 explosion has occurred in Isfahan, Iran

— Sources linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have now Confirmed that Israeli Missiles have Struck near City of Qahjaverestan within the Isfahan Province of Central Iran.

— Media outlets affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard confirm that huge explosions occurred in the city of Qahjavarestan in Isfahan.

— Reports of explosions in Iran (Isfahan), Iraq (Baghdad and Babil) and Syria. 

*** FLASH *** — Major explosions at this hour at Iran’s Isfahan and Nantanz nuclear sites.

— Explosions near Isfahan Airport and the Iranian Army’s Hashtam Shikari Air Base

— Heavy jet activity reported over Iraq and Syria. Unclear if USAF or IAF.

— Iranian State Media is reporting that tonight’s Airstrike by the Israel Air Force may have Targeted the 8th Tactical Airbase of the Iranian Air Force, within Isfahan International Airport, which contains multiple Squadrons of F-14 “Tomcat” Fighter Aircraft.

10:34 PM EDT — An emergency meeting of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council.

— Flights to Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz and all other airports in western Iran suspended. – Mehr News

For reader Reference, the map below shows the locations of Iran Nuclear Program Sites:

***** BULLETIN *****

U.S. AIR REFUELING TANKERS ARE NOW UP OVER BAGHDAD, IRAQ (This __could__ mean the US in refueling the Israeli aircraft used in the attack, and if this is true, US Bases throughout the Middle East will likely be targeted by an Iranian response.  Iran warned of this exact scenario, days ago.

Of note:  

— Iran’s Foreign minister earlier today: “In case the Israeli regime embarks on adventurism again and takes action against the interests of Iran, the next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level”


— IRAN TO STRIKE ISRAEL’S NUCLEAR SITES IF THEIRS GET HIT IRGC commander, Ahmad Haghtalab: “If the Zionist regime wants to take action against our nuclear centers and facilities, we will surely and categorically reciprocate with advanced missiles against their own nuclear sites.” Source: Sky News

— Official Israeli government sources are keeping pure radio silence. That only happens when there is heavy censorship and complete coordination. Anyone who deals with Israeli sources, knows how unusual this is. 

QUICK ANALYSIS:  The major issue is Iran has now backed themselves into a corner after upping the ante earlier today about a response if attacked, now they will feel as if they do not respond they will be viewed as weak rather than a regional power. Which will likely result in another 

***** FLASH *****

IDF has allegedly hit 7 Cities Inside of Iran: Tehran, Fordow, Arak, Natanz, Kharg Island, Bushehr, Bandar Abbas

— Iranian state television reports strong explosions near Tehran

OF NOTE:  Oil prices now up 4%

********** BULLETIN **********

Syrian media is claiming Israel sent missiles from Jordan

11:01 PM EDT – The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is claiming to have Shot Down several Drones earlier over the Western Province of Isfahan.

— Iranian officials and outlets are claiming that all explosions heard tonight are due to interceptions and that no explosions have occurred “on the ground”

THIS . . . . Is Weird . . . .:


— RAN LAUGHS OFF IRAN’S ATTACK Spokesman for the Iranian Space Agency: “Everything that happened was a failed and humiliating attempt for Israeli aviation.” 

— U.S. source confirms an Israeli strike within Iran, says the U.S. was not involved, and there was pre-notification to U.S. from the Israelis  White House, NSC declining to comment on Middle East tonight.

11:20 PM EDT — All quiet for quite awhile now.    

Greatly conflicting reports from very many sources.  Some saying this was a broad-based attack by Israel, other reports DENYING EVERYTHING . . . saying there have been “no explosions” and “everything is fine.”

This is very weird.

Markets are responding very badly to all this “news:”

I am suspending LIVE UPDATES now and will post any new developments into a new lead story.


Good night.


So…. Let’s summarize the events:
Israel carried a limited attack on Iranian bases from where the Saturday night missiles and drones were launched.
The damage is heavy but hard to see from the ground by civilians.

The only reasons anyone knows about this attack are the loud explosions from the air defense systems.

Israel sent a message:
We are able to attack and hit you hard. Now, let’s see if you will retaliate! If so, your nuclear sites are next.

The scale of the this attack trapped the Iranians. They can’t attack back and they can’t even use Hezbollah to strike hard or-else they will lose them as well.

While all eyes are on Iran the Israeli military is prepared to begin a powerful ground maneuver into Rafah.

Reports indicate Iran has been bombed in at least 7 cities.

BREAKING: Iran announces it will launch a counterattack on Israel’s nuclear sites.

  • GeneralMCNews

TONIGHT was a Possible 3-PRONGED ATTACK on Iran 🇮🇷 , Iraq 🇮🇶, and Syria 🇸🇾

Israel has the ability to conduct strikes against targets inside IRAN without entering Iranian air space from aircraft over SYRIAN and IRAQI airspace.

If you are hitting sites in Syria and Iraq, it makes sense that some of your other fighter jets could be launching missiles towards Iran during the mayhem.

Iranian air Defenses were active tonight in a number of locations, including Isfahan, where there are a number of sensitive military sites, including nuclear ☢️ related sites.

Oh Monday, The National Security Committee of Iran said that if ISRAEL were to attack IRAN, then Iran would be ready to use weapons that we have NOT used before.

They promised a retaliatory attack 10 times the size of Saturday nights attack, which would be OVER 3,300 weapons launched at ISRAEL, including MORE than 1,400 MISSILES. 🚀

There has been Significant jet air activity seen over Baghdad tonight. Not clear whether USAF or IAF. Could be another combined thing, but I have a feeling this was ALL ISRAEL 🇮🇱 tonight.

The US said it would NOT partake in an Israeli strike on Iran. It will be interesting to see tomorrow if ISRAEL NOTIFIED THE USA BEFOREHAND. If not, the Biden administration will be way upset 😠

Sooner or later we are going to see some major TURNING ON ISRAEL by the USA.

We are about to see some very bumpy skies ahead. Not just in the Middle East, but globally. It’s almost as if you can feel the darkness wanting to turn up the heat.

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