BlackRock Messes With the WRONG Journalists in Davos

🚨 I’ve just landed in Davos to hold the crooks accountable again

I’m in the lion’s den to test their 2024 World Economic Forum commitment to ‘rebuilding trust’.

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🚨 BlackRock FAILS to control Rebel News in Davos

The WEF hasn’t even officially begun, and the world’s largest hedge fund is already trying to tell us what to do.

But we don’t take orders from oligarchs.

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Two busloads of unhinged Antifa protesters, some of whom dressed like clowns, show up to welcome the World Economic Forum.

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CLOWN WORLD: The moment unhinged Antifa dominate Davos

Two busloads of Antifa protesters, some of whom were dressed like clowns, showed up to protest the annual gathering of globalists at the World Economic Forum.


Glenn Beck and Ezra Levant on press freedom, rising antisemitism, and exposing the WEF elites

Speaking about the World Economic Forum (WEF), Levant stated, ‘These people cook up policies that are then downloaded into governments without democratic consent.’


Global elites to discuss ‘Disease X’ at WEF 2024, advocate WHO Pandemic Treaty

The World Health Organization (WHO) will discuss “Disease X” with executives at the World Economic (WEF) amid a mad dash to implement the pandemic treaty this May.


WEF participants face criticism for taking private jets to Davos

Celebrities, politicians and business executives remain unfazed by their use of private jets to reach Davos, Switzerland, amid concerns for the climate.


🚨Confronting the ADL in Davos

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SHOCKING: World Economic Forum EXPELS Christians from ‘demonic’ Davos promenade

The one thing you can’t talk about here in Davos is Jesus Christ.

FULL REPORT by Avi Yemini:

Who’s all here at the World Economic Forum? Touring the Davos Promenade

If the WEF is hoping to regain trust with the public, it certainly doesn’t look like anything has changed on the ground here in Davos.

Rebel News

John Kerry confronted on climate hypocrisy at WEF

Kerry called the question ‘stupid’ and refused to elaborate on why elites like him are allowed to have large carbon footprints, but ‘regular citizens’ must be cautious.

Rebel News

Hypocrisy: Influential global leaders flock to WEF by private jet

‘These are the people telling you to reduce your carbon footprint,’ said Ezra Levant.

Rebel News

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