IDF Soldiers Located and Destroyed Compounds that Were Used to Launch Rockets

IDF soldiers located and destroyed compounds that were used to launch rockets, including a compound located inside a mosque; over 50 rockets ready to be launched were found in the compound

During an activity to locate terrorist infrastructures and clean up the space by the combat team fighters of the 460th Brigade, rocket launch pits were found in the compound of a mosque and destroyed.

In addition, during several activities in the past day, the fighters found over 50 rockets ready to be launched into Israel, inside a youth movement compound in the north of the Gaza Strip.


50 rockets were found in a center for youth activity in Gaza.
They use hospitals, clinics, schools, kindergartens, mosques, ambulances, playgrounds etc. A pattern of war crimes!

Rocket launchers located in the north of the Gaza Strip

The Israel Defense Force has Discovered a Rocket Launch Site used by Hamas as well as a Cache of over 50 Rockets inside of a Mosque in Northern Gaza City, with the Launchers and Rockets being Destroyed by Israeli EOD Teams.

🔗 OSINTdefender

Israeli forces operating in the northern Gaza Strip have located several rocket launchers and more than 50 rockets, located in a compound used by a youth movement and a mosque, the military says.

The IDF publishes a video of the commander of the Nahal Brigade’s 50th Battalion, Lt. Col. Tomer Sayag, showing dozens of rocket launchers his forces found inside a building used by the Palestinian Scout Association.

Sayag says the empty rocket launchers were aimed at Ashkelon or central Israeli cities. Outside, some 50 rockets — bearing the logo of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad — were found in an underground storage site.

Separately, the IDF releases a video of the 460th Armored Brigade locating a number of empty underground rocket launchers adjacent to a mosque in northern Gaza. The video shows the launchers’ electrical wiring running inside the mosque, from which they are activated.

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