The Psalm 83 War in the Middle East is Inevitably Coming Anyday Now

The Psalm 83 War in the Middle East is inevitably coming anyday now! Iran’s waring factions Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah have all been preparing for such a war for decades, and when it finally arrives the death and destruction it will cause will stun the entire planet!

Psalms 83:5
For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

Consulted and Confederate together : Hamas, Hezbollah, The Islamic Jihad, Fatah and The Houthis (The Ring Of Fire)!

Over the next few days, the eyes of the world will be on Jerusalem, and Iran’s proxies all have their fingers on the trigger that would escalate and spark the war of Biblical propotions (The Psalm 83 War)!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Rapture is the next event on God’s prophetic calender!

Israel is God’s prophectic timepiece with Jerusalem as the minute hand and the Temple mount as the small hand!

Tic toc…we are on a prophetic clock…it’s the Final Countdown to the fulfillment of the Rapture…The Psalm 83 War…Jeremiah 49…Isaiah 17!

Not only are we on the runway sitting on Titus 2:13 airlines but the engines have started!

The Psalm 83 War tinder box is about to blow up and we are about to go up!

The prophecies of The Psalm 83 War, Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49 are on the brink of fulfillment! Somewhere in there is the Rapture!

And if Israel is about to take center stage, where does that put the true Church in God’s timetable?

Watch Israel, watch the skies, our redemption draweth nigh!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Rapture is the next event on God’s prophetic calender!

The world is ripe for the antichrist to rise from the ashes of the Psalm 83 War! We are on the cusp of the Rapture!

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