Russian Ships Conduct Missile Drills Off Coast of Florida

Russian warships are conducting missile drills in the waters off the Coast of Florida near Cuba. New hypersonic missiles on board and ready for launch!!

.The nuclear-powered Kazan submarine and Admiral Gorshkov frigate, which carries hypersonic Zircon missiles, staged the computer drills with high-precision weapons against “naval groups of a mock enemy” over a distance of 600 kilometers (373 miles), the Defense Ministry in Moscow said in a surprise statement Tuesday.

The vessels are due to arrive in Cuba on Wednesday, Russia’s state-run RIA Novosti news service reported, citing Russian Navy chief Alexander Moiseyev.

None of the Russian vessels is (reportedly” carrying nuclear weapons and they (allegedly) pose no threat to the region, the Cuban Foreign Ministry said on its website.

The visit to Havana from June 12-17 is in line with the historically friendly relations between Cuba and Russia, it said.


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