Torah Commentary -Mikketz (At the end) -Prison to Palace and Back Again -Day 29, Month 9, 5775; 29 December 2016

Torah Commentary
Mikketz (At the end)
Genesis 41:1-44:17
1Kings 3:15-4:1
Acts 7:9-16


Prison to Palace and Back Again
The life of Joseph is filled with ups and downs; up with favor, down to the pit. This week we read of his final release from prison, the stage being set for Joseph’s dreams to come to pass and the real purpose for his life to unfold.
I’m certain Joseph was quite surprised to hear his prison cell door open, not to embark on his daily routine, but because he is summoned by Pharaoh himself. Questioning why Pharaoh would summon him, Joseph wondered if his fate would be that of the baker or the cupbearer. He does not know that the page is being turned in the book of his life and the real reason he was born is about to be revealed. What Joseph does know is prison life has transformed his character. He is not the man who was sold into Mitzraim. He has learned humility preparing him for this very day.
We all know the account well. Joseph will interpret the dreams of Pharaoh. Pharaoh will make him second in command over all of Egypt and Joseph will begin to store grain for a famine which is to come. Many would say the story is simply a prophecy for us today that we should focus on earthquakes, storms, FEMA camps and End Times, then with that fear engraved on our hearts we should now exhaust our finances storing resources like beans, bullets and band-aids. Once our checklist is accomplished we should hide out in our isolated fortresses in the Montana forests waiting for Messiah to return. Is that where I am going with this? You know me better than that! (Click to Article)

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