The Dark Side of Bible Prophecy By Gary Stearman on March 30, 2013


People often ask why we spend so much time in the discussion of bizarre topics, like UFOs and hybrid giants. They wonder why prophecy studies give any time at all to weird subjects like mystery lights in the sky, aerial trumpets and explosions, “alien implants” and “the nephilim.” They wonder why some opt for prophetic sensationalism, rather than focusing on the Gospel, or maturing the saints with the Word of God through traditional Bible study.

Such questions are not really new. Traditionally, the mainline institutional church has criticized Christians at the cutting edge of prophecy study for being irrelevant and speculative. They have taken the view that this age is going to end somehow, but the details are so unsupportable that no one can say exactly how. They insist that the elements of Bible prophecy are so confusing that no one can understand them anyway. Rather than have disagreement, they say, let’s avoid the subject entirely. Let’s just spend our time on teaching the daily walk in Christ. Maturing the saints is the real work of the church.

But Bible prophecy is now shining light on places that we’ve never been before. The stage is set in the Middle East. Latter-day Israel is positioned to fulfill the many prophecies laid out in the Old Testament. These deal with Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and other revolutionary powers appearing in the daily news.

In addition to that, the prophesied one-world governmental system is being forged into recognizable form, following two World Wars and growing stockpiles of superweapons. The shadowy outlines of Daniel’s fourth beast empire can now be recognized. It will arise out of a series of wars and economic cataclysms. All these things are poised for final fulfillment.

For over half a century, Bible scholars have detailed these and other international developments. Their books and recorded lectures are everywhere. They have sounded their warnings to anyone who would listen. Some have heeded their words; most have not. The important point here, is that regardless of the many disagreements, prophetic Bible study has now been accepted as more or less normal. There are different methods of interpretation, but the general belief is that we’re living in the end times.

This is an important factor for many Christians. In popular culture, it has become known well enough that non-Christians ridicule it. But even they grudgingly acknowledge its primary assertions. For example, the rapture is often lampooned on network television comedy stages. Even Jesus’ Second Coming is now being parodied as some kind of laughable fantasy.

Something New Has Been Added

The time has come. There is another aspect of Bible prophecy that, up until the last couple of decades, has remained quietly in the background. It grows out of the biblical pronouncement that the latter days would witness a veritable explosion of dark and alien power. The reality of this development is becoming self-evident.

Books, television, motion pictures and video games are replete with themes of malevolent beings that rise from the depths of Hades, and descend from the heavens. Whether they be outer-space aliens, fallen angels or devils escaped from the dungeons of the deep, they create a reality that haunts the mind of modern man. The veil that separates them from humanity is already growing thin. Among the young, there is a popular fascination with the human “undead” – werewolves, vampires, zombies and the like – who have risen to create their own reality. A generation ago, they fell in love with the cuddly E.T., the extraterrestrial. Creatures like him, both good and bad, have arrived in the hundreds. Fiction teems with his ilk.

These “imaginary” creatures have created a reality all their own. But curiously, they resemble biblical descriptions of the myriads of the damned. However, as mentioned in Scripture, they are anything but imaginary. Their presence should come as no surprise to Bible-believing Christians. Like expanding clouds, their presence rolls across the landscape, darkening this once-blessed nation.

In response, students of Bible prophecy are beginning to speak and write about subjects that have not been considered appropriate within the bounds of Christian tradition.

Actually, most of our time is spent on Scriptural exegesis concerning Bible prophecy and its relevance to current world events. And there, we are again faced with the basic question: If the supernatural is manifesting itself on a global basis, should we ignore it? Of course not! The Word of God always provides the best explanation for every event of our daily lives, no matter how bizarre or unexpected.

Once, not so long ago, the study of Bible prophecy was confined to certain classic approaches. Scholars dealt with prophecies of the Millennium, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, Christ’s First and Second Comings, the destiny of the Church, the rise of the Antichrist, the nature and timing of the judgments, Dispensational issues and so on. But something in the world has radically changed. After two world wars and the development of computers, lasers, particle-beam weapons, high-tech surveillance systems and the rise of government monitoring, our vision of the future has become a ghastly mélange of sci-fi terror, satellite spying and the specter of genetic manipulation. DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research projects Agency, has declared its intent to develop genetically enhanced super-soldiers, and super-intellects with imbedded microchips. Once underway, there will be no end to such diabolical tinkering.

In the latter case, gene-splicing is now taking its place in modern medicine. Animals can be made to grow human replacement parts. But isn’t such an animal a chimera? And the Mosaic Law expresses God’s displeasure with such abortive creations. It forbids even the interbreeding of species, and current experimentation is much more serious than that.

Now, we are discovering that even classic physical and biological research is emerging at the forefront of the present eruption of sinister phenomena. This world has long been driven by dark entities lurking just behind the scenes. Now, they are coming forward into full view.

Those who bother to study the literature will quickly discover that every world government has highly-funded programs that deal with the paranormal: Top-secret organizations (already well established by the time of the Eisenhower administration) have devoted black budgets to the investigation and exploitation of strange alien activities. Their copious records reveal that they believe they are dealing with extraterrestrials from other planets. As we have pointed out over the years, every major government in the world has devoted its resources to working with these entities. Of course, we view them as demonic.

A visible example of this is the British military preoccupation with mysterious crop circles. Debunkers attempt to explain the complex mathematical designs as the products of imaginative hoaxers. But thousands of witnesses in England can document the sudden appearance of military helicopters and jets flying low over the newly-emerging crop designs that appear in the fields near Silbury Hill and Stonehenge. Curiously, these are the sites of ancient pagan religions … the “high places” of wicked sacrifices. Who’s making those exotic designs? None other than the ancient demonic powers!

From vampires to crop circles and beyond, ghostly and mystical apparitions appear in the vision of a public steeped in the ubiquitous background of dark supernatural literature, movies, video games, and demonic worship. In case you hadn’t noticed, these are constantly available in entertainment centers and living rooms around the world.

To explain these new experiences, we must turn to Scripture. After all, the Bible is the final authority on every aspect of life. More urgently than ever, we are returning to its pages in a quickening attempt to understand these new experiences. In the last couple of decades, we have become increasingly curious about UFOs and alien abductions. At the same time, we’ve become more conscious of the fact that Scripture speaks of aliens and their illicit relations with humans. It tells us about the fallen angels and giants who strode the Earth in ancient days, and their success in interbreeding with humans.

Scripture speaks of the unspeakable: Often, the ancient gods of Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt were human/animal hybrids, called “chimeras.” As this is written, they are a scientific reality. The coding of God’s genetic designs has been deciphered, enabling scientists to create genetic monsters in the name of improvement. The cure of disease and deficiency through creative genetics is possible, but at what price? The old world of Noah was destroyed precisely because of such genetic tampering.

Scripture tells us that there is nothing new about these things, as strange as they may seem. The Bible is becoming far more than a guide to daily devotions; it is a manual that offers the only hope for surviving the coming maelstrom.

Back to Daniel

To illustrate this premise, we should note that even the “prophetic classics,” like the book of Daniel, have recently opened up in unexpected ways that cast new light on the dark side of Bible prophecy. A perfect example of this is Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream:

“31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. 32 This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, 33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. 34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces” (Dan. 2:31-34).

The traditional interpretation of this monstrous image is that its four metallic sections represent four great world empires, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The latter-day revived Roman Empire is seen in the statue’s iron legs and its feet of iron and clay. Iron is the metal of enterprise and the industrial revolution. Iron smelting in the Roman Empire and the Western world created armies and machines of war, later rising on the power of its development in shipping, railroads, skyscrapers and bridges, to name of few of its attributes.

Common sense and simple observation will tell anyone that when an attempt is made to mix iron and brittle clay, the result is structurally unsound. This prophecy suggests that the iron empire will ultimately collapse because of its weakened foundation. But this raises an important question. Namely, what does the clay represent? Iron, we can understand. But clay … is it an infiltration of opposing principles? Is it an invasion by other nations?

Until recently, it was conceded that this was some human scheme that would topple the empire of iron. A popular view was that it referred to political marriages. Others have conjectured about the meaning of this strange prophecy, but the answer has evaded their grasp.

Fortunately, thanks to the context of the contemporary era, we now know exactly what it means. The verses that follow mention a group of interlopers, who attempt to inject themselves into the human race:

“42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” (Dan. 2:42,43).

Here, we find that a latter-day mystery group will endeavor to mix its own genetic material with the “seed of men.” This expression is clearly speaking of the human genome. The seed of man is his genetic signature. And from beginning to end, the Bible is preoccupied with the idea that this seed is central to salvation. From the seed of Adam and Eve came the seed of Abraham and the twelve tribes. From the tribe of Judah came the seed of the woman. From it, sprang the virgin-born Messiah, Jesus.

That being said, it is clear from this prophecy that there will be another, latter-day attempt by the mysterious “they” to infiltrate the genome of mankind. They know that if human seed can be corrupted, it will render God’s plan of redemption null and void.

When did this happen the first time, and who did it? The clear answer is given in Genesis, Chapter Six, in the record of the fallen angels who mingled their seed with the seed of mankind, resulting in a societal monstrosity that God was forced to destroy in the Flood of Noah. There is growing historical evidence that the entire creation – human and animal – was tainted.

Daniel’s prophecy tells us that just before the giant statue’s iron legs crumble (in the days of the Great Tribulation), fallen angels will descend openly to Earth once again. Then, they will repeat their evil work. Jesus own statement gives credence to this idea, as recorded in Luke 17:26:

“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”

Are we living in these days now? The answer is “Yes, certainly.” And how do we know this? Because those with eyes to see can understand that an alien force is now infiltrating the human race, with the express purpose of creating human-alien hybrids, some of which are indistinguishable from pure human beings. In other articles, we have documented the abduction phenomenon in explicit detail.

And why would they do this? To create a race of beings from which the Antichrist will emerge. In Revelation, he is called the “beast.” A beast is not a human being.

We have arrived at the heart of this “unmentionable” topic: human/alien hybridization. If it’s in the Bible, and if we see the first signs of it in daily observation, we should discuss it.

In Daniel, Chapter Eleven, the prophet gives us his view of the “beast.” It is couched in terms of what we would call “the supernatural.” But again, we must deal with it as a reality:

“36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. 37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. 38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. 39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain” (Dan. 11:36-39).

Here, we see Daniel’s vision of the Antichrist. His description, perfectly in agreement with that seen in Revelation, displays a persona of things mystical and paranormal. He appears as superhuman, above earthly temptations of the flesh, disdaining relations with women and with any competing “god.” He sees himself as unique, even indomitable. His appearance suggests that he is something different from a normal human being. In fact, it is strongly suggested that he is controlled by a dark power who occupies and guides his mind. He would not be the first despot to fit this category, but he will be the most powerful example of it. To ordinary humans, he will seem like a superior being, able to summon the powers of the heavens.

In short, he is seen as godlike, making amazing proclamations of virtually divine nature, during the Tribulation.

He does not honor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But he establishes himself in Jerusalem, apparently in an edifice built upon the Temple Mount. Who is he?

Seen in the context above, he must be something other than human … a semi-human creature spawned by the mysterious “they” of Daniel’s earlier vision.

We live in alarming proximity to the fulfillment of this prophecy. At present, we are in transition to a time when the supernatural will become the natural.

We have reached the time when Bible prophecy has become serious. Its dark side is rapidly becoming visible. This being the case, the end of the Church Age must be very, very near.

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